A few things:
- Next week, will be the end of the year and we will have been celebrating for a whole year. Can you believe it? I am therefore going to suggest that NEXT WEEK we celebrate the WHOLE YEAR. What have been the small things that have stuck out for you in the year? Though by all means celebrate the week, it's just a thought.
- It is lovely if people can hop around and visit others but I wouldn't want the thought of having to visit the WHOLE LIST to put people off signing up. If you sign up and can visit say 10 or 15 on the list who are near you on the list, well, that's fine.
- This week, apologies, I likely WON'T make it around everybody's blogs to celebrate with you due to the holidays. Next week I'll likely be late in my visiting but I will try and make it round the end of year round up then.
- I'll do a list tidy up at some point over the holidays.
My celebrations this week then:
1. It is nearly Christmas. At the moment I am mainly thinking that this means TIME OFF and a break but I am sure I'll soon be excited about the holiday itself.
2. Fully recovered from food poisoning, yay!
3. Time off work! I don't know about America but most people here take days off over Christmas and travel and see family and it's a proper wee break. I have 10 days off or something like that, and I am looking forward to it.
4. CHOCOLATE. There's lots of it about this time of year.
How about you? Happy Holidays to you!
Here's the linky: