
Friday, 28 February 2014

Celebrate The Small Things: 28 February edition

Hello everyone!

Time to Celebrate The Small Things once more! This is such a simple blog hop: post your celebrations for the week, sign up on the linky, and hop around and celebrate with others!

This week I am celebrating:

  • The man in the coffee shop who didn't charge me for my replacement tea when I knocked over the one I bought two minutes before.
  • Someone at work telling me 'well done' on a project - nice to hear, and for people to take the time to say it.
  • Chocolate. I have needed it this week!

Here's the linky. Tell me what you are celebrating!

Friday, 21 February 2014

Celebrate The Small Things: 21 February

Welcome to Celebrate The Small Things, the weekly post where we celebrate the small things in life, like the fixing of a blocked drain or a welcome cuppa! Big celebrations also welcome ;)

The rules - if you can call them that - are simple: post celebrations in your blog, sign up on the linky, celebrate with others! Enjoy!

My celebrations this week are: THAT MY CELEBRATION POST GOT BLITZED LAST WEEK! I felt entirely undeserving though it was nice all the same. Very lovely seeing all the comments. Thank you to everyone who took part.

I'm also celebrating SATURDAYS and my lovely flowers that adorn my shelf.

What are you celebrating? Sorry I didn't make it to your posts last week - hoping to do better this weekend!

Here's that linky!

Friday, 14 February 2014

Celebrate the Small Things: 14 February edition

Greetings all and here we are Celebrating The Small Things on Valentine's day. 

The premise of 'celebrate' is simple: post something to celebrate, however small or large, sign on the linky, hop around and celebrate with others ;) 

What have you all been up to this week? 

I am celebrating: 

  • Making it to the gym! 
  • Chatting with a critique partner over IM - so nice to catch up. 
  • Meeting with my writing group this week - always inspiring. 
  • Valentine's day - I am off out for dinner with the boyf. We are going for a yummy THAI. 
  • Having time for some twitter fun - say hello @vixatthemovies - must get on there more!

Edited to add: CELEBRATING BEING BLITZED! Oh my goodness! How lovely was that?! Thank you! :)

 How about all of you? 

Those of you in couples, hope you have a nice celebration and those of you who are single, hope you are celebrating your singleness! 

Here's the linky:

Friday, 7 February 2014

Celebrate The Small Things: 7 Feb

Greetings and Salutations. 

 Time to Celebrate Small again! 

The task is simple: Post celebrations in your blog, no matter what size, then hop around and celebrate with others.

 I've had a busy week myself, so busy I wasn't able to join in IWSG :( but squeezing in a post today! 

Although the week has passed in a blur of WORK I went to a friend's book launch yesterday. I have seen that book from idea to published page and it was SO lovely to be there. I am so excited for her and it's inspiring to think 'I want that to be me some day' :) 

Aside from that I am glad of a weekend, and seeing some friends. How about you?

Here's the list of celebrators: