Hey guys - here to celebrate with you all! I am celebrating the weekend after a busy week back at work. So busy I am typing on my phone between meetings. Roll on 2 days off! Love to hear your celebrations. Have edited this to add the linky listy:
Greetings everyone: it is time to Celebrate The Small Things again! This is when we post our weekly celebrations, of whatever we feel like celebrating for the week, no matter how big or small ;) This week I am excited because... it's my birthday and I am on holiday! :) So those are my celebrations!!! As a result of the above I will be tardy in any visiting of blogs and ask forgiveness. Here's the linky for the hop:
Greetings and here we are, Celebrating Small Things ;)
The purpose is simple: Post Celebrations in your blog for the events of the week, as large or small as you please - celebrate that nice cuppa tea! Then sign up on the linky, and visit others and celebrate with them :) I have had such a busy week that last week: I FORGOT THE LINKY in my haste to get the post up! My work is so so busy at the moment I don't have much spare time, so apologies if I didn't visit you last week, and indeed, may not visit you over the next couple of weeks. Forgive me! I'll get life back to normal again sometime and I hope you'll bear with me. In the meantime I am celebrating:
HAVING A FEW DAYS OFF next week. I need it for my sanity. (I'll pre schedule the celebratory post next week).
My boyfriend running me a relaxing bath after a long stressful day.
Did I mention actual days off? (Let's not think that I have to then do all the work I missed when I get back. Nope. Not thinking about that. La la la la I can't hear you.)
Goodness me here we are in March! Time to Celebrate The Small Things again ;)
There are barely any rules to this: post celebrations in your blog, sign up on the linky, hop around and celebrate with others! That's it! The rules can be as big or small as you like, but the basic idea is to 'stop and smell the coffee' so to speak. So do share whatever celebrations you would like! By the way a very big thank you to EVERYONE who joins in - I continually celebrate all of you! I have had the world's most busy work week - or so it feels - I have no idea that it is now March. Have lost all track - it would have been IWSG! What day is it? Who am I? Where am I? Ahem. Anyway. Despite the busy, my celebrations for the week are:
Watching a few episodes of Bones, and remembered how watchable David Boreanaz can be!
Being made lovely pancakes by the boyfriend for Shrove Tuesday.
Having a nice day out catching up with some friends I don't get to see too often - cupcakes were eaten.