
Monday, 25 June 2012

Please Answer: How/Why Do You Blog?

As a relatively new blogger, I’m curious about why people blog, and how they choose to do it. 

Is it for yourself? Is it primarily to connect with people? Do you blog to a particular timetable or set restrictions on yourself?

I’m come up with a few wee questions, and if anybody could please bear to answer them, that would be great as I'd love to get to know the reasons behind all of your blogging!

Feel free to reply in your own blog, and link to the post in the comments. If you do this, do go read anybody else’s reply too! But if you reply with the answers in the comments too that would be great!

1. Why did you start a blog? (To record my thoughts for myself, to connect with others, because I fancied it...)
2. Do you seek out followers/people to follow, and how do you do that if so? Do you look for particular ‘types’ of people?
3. Do you set rules around your blogging? (Specific timetable, topic, I always follow back, etc).
4. Do you take part in any groups or ‘meme’s if that’s the right term? Eg YA Highway Road Trip Wednesday or insecure-writers-support-group ? Any to recommend? Any topics you’d like covered by similar?

That’s it! Lastly:

Is there any sort of ‘meet and greet’ that goes on among the writing/book blogging community for the sole purpose of meeting others, that I don’t know about?!

I will answer the above now briefly so as not to make this post too long:
1. I started a blog to record what I'd learned about writing so far, to share it, and connect with other fab writers and learn from them and make some friends!
2. I have followed people I found in forums, or in the comments of posts I liked, who entered the same competition. I'm keen to meet people ;)
3. I try and blog mostly about writing, and I want to post twice a week on specific days, though life is already getting in the way!
4. I took part in Road Trip Wed, I missed IWSG last month and just learned about it so will take part next time!


  1. PS If anybody can please tell me how to add a 'follow me' on twitter button I'd appreciate it, I tried coding it but have failed!

    1. I'll answer soon on my blog, I have actually been thinking on doing a post about this soon :)

      About the Twitter thing: 1. Go here and choose the button you want 2. When you choose a button on the right it will show a code, copy that code 3. On your Blogger go to Layout and click 'Add a Gadget' on the right sidebar and add the 'HTML/JavaScript' one 4. Give it any title you want and in the 'content' box paste the code you got from twitter 5. Save and you are done :)

    2. YAY Thank you *twirls you* I have added it! That's great, thank you.

      Look forward to reading your post on the topic!

    3. Welcome :)

      Also, I finally got around to doing a post on blogging (here). Promise I will get to the award one soon!

  2. To answer your questions:
    I started blogging because my publisher told me to get my butt online. Rather than set up website, I started a blog.
    I started looking for blogs that interested me, whether they were writers or science fiction people or not. In retrospect, I'm really glad I did that.
    Rules - I blog three times a week, almost always follow back, and place all regular commenters in my "Blogger Buddies" file in Google Reader and in my sidebar.
    The first A to Z Challenge in 2010 changed my blog forever, so I am a big fan of challenges and blogfests. I've hosted many myself and of course you know about the IWSG which I started last September. That group has been the biggest blessing.
    That help?
    Oh, and I turned off word verification. That really helps.

    1. That's all really helpful and interesting thanks! I take the tip to follow blogs I'm interested in, thank you.
      I will keep an eye out for Challenges I think and of course, I think the IWSG is great and will be pouring out my insecurities next month!

  3. Good questions! Here goes:

    1. Why did you start a blog?
    I started a blog (not my current) in 2006 to record the antics of my then 3-year-old, mainly for family and friends. I moved on to more of a "Mama Blog" a few years later to test the waters of that whole phenomenon, and while I enjoyed writing about my family, it wasn't a fit. I didn't feel like I was making much of a difference and I didn't have time to network with other Mama bloggers because I still wanted to be a writer.

    So a little over a year ago, I decided to focus mainly on the writing/reading process with a dash of family thrown in. Why do I blog? Definitely to record my own thoughts, but also to connect with other writers. Someday I want to connect with readers as well.

    2. Do you seek out followers/people to follow, and how do you do that if so? Do you look for particular ‘types’ of people?
    Yes - I try to network with like-minded readers and writers - mainly YA. I've done Rachael Harrie's Platform Building Campaign twice. I belong to a few different organizations and find followers there as well. I don't have as many followers as I'd like, but I'll get there.

    3. Do you set rules around your blogging? (Specific timetable, topic, I always follow back, etc).

    No. Not even close. Every week in my life is different and mostly chaotic. And I'm not a very structured person, so I can't commit to a schedule. I don't usually post on weekends. Topics vary. Following back - yes and no. I go with my gut on that one.

    4. Do you take part in any groups or ‘meme’s if that’s the right term? Eg YA Highway Road Trip Wednesday or insecure-writers-support-group ? Any to recommend? Any topics you’d like covered by similar?

    Yes. YA Highway's Road Trip Wednesday is a favorite and I have connected with some great people there (which is how I found your blog). Occasionally I might jump on something that a specific group is doing, and I have my own recurring "memes," too.

    Good luck! Keep writing!

    1. Thank you so much for replying, so interesting to hear your journey from mumblog to writingblog!

      I will check out the Platform Building Campaign next time it runs, I will google her now, thank you.

      YAY To Road Trip Wednesday ;)

      Thank you ;)

  4. I pretty much echo everything Alex said! Except the part about the publisher. I set up my blog to connect with other writers! :D

    1. Thank you for commenting - I too wanted to connect with other writers, like you! :)

  5. Here's me :)

    1. I started a blog because I went back and read Veronica Roth's blog from the beginning. Being able to see her whole journey was amazing. And I wanted a record like that for myself.

    2. I look for people who are interested to read. Right now, I'm mostly focused on other writers, but eventually I'll branch out. I find them by checking blogs from the forum and then following the ones I like.

    3. Right now, I'm trying to blog every other day. This is just to get into a rhythm and get some followers. After that I'll probably move to 2 or 3 times a week--especially once we're back to school.

    4. Not right now. I might starting next month, but I'm picky about joining things so I'll want to see how things go first.

    That's it for me :)

    1. Ah I totally agree, I read Veronica Roth's blog and Shannon Messengers and Beth Revis's actually and saw they all seemed to start them before they had a deal, and I thought how great. Not saying I'll get there like they have but I thought how wonderful to record one's journey and also connect with people along the way, however it turns out!

      Interesting, yes good idea to see how things turn out before joining in.

      Thanks so much for commenting.

  6. 1. Why did you start a blog? I actually originally started my blog because I was looking for a job and one of the requirements for this particular job was to understand how to use Wordpress. So I started a blog. And then I started reviewing books I read, so then I combined the two.

    2. Do you seek out followers/people to follow, and how do you do that if so? Do you look for particular ‘types’ of people? I look for people who have similar interests as me and twitter stalk. I don't spam my website, but I make sure to include it in my profile.

    3. Do you set rules around your blogging? Still working on specifics but my posts must be related to either reading or writing. And the books I review must have a "dark" aspect. No set days for things yet, but I'm considering it.

    4. Do you take part in any groups or ‘meme’s if that’s the right term? Eg YA Highway Road Trip Wednesday or insecure-writers-support-group ? Any to recommend? Any topics you’d like covered by similar? Nothing at the moment, but I'm open to it.

    1. Oh how interesting that your job led you to use Wordpress! Great combination of book reviewing and work. Thank you so much for answering the questions. I am getting better at the twitter stalking but find it hard knowing where to look!

  7. 1. started it to get noticed (which sounded silly, but fun) now more for meeting writers, getting advice, and practicing the skills!
    2. followers come from you following and blogfests, etc. i follow if i like a blog, i follow back if i like them or their blog & they left a comment, cause i reciprocate comments
    3. yes, hav a loose sched to post 3-4 days, mostly writerly stuff sprinkled w/personal fun
    4. iwsg! i also do sensational haiku wednesday. there's teaser tuesday, wicked wednesday, etc. christine rains and amy at random thoughts do some good weekly groups you should check out!

    great questions!

    1. Thank you so for answering the questions. Interesting that you have a loose schedule, mine is similar I guess (twice a week was my aim).

      And ooh that's lots of good groups for me to check out, thank you!

  8. 1. Why did you start a blog? To explore what a blog is and how they are used. Exploring blogs started out as a project at my work.

    Why Blogging?

    2. Do you seek out followers/people to follow, and how do you do that if so? Do you look for particular ‘types’ of people?

    I don't seek out people to follow my blog, but when I create a new post entry, I provide links to possible friends at my most frequented writing sites. I welcome anyone who enjoys what I post. I follow people either when I notice them as a frequent commenter of my posts or when I run into a really great blog I find entertaining. If a blog makes me laugh and gives great advice, I will follow it.

    3. Do you set rules around your blogging?

    I try to blog more than once per week. I don't mind if attacked for any of my posts and I always respond professionally, but I will delete comments if they are personal attacks against any followers.

    4. Do you take part in any groups or ‘meme’s if that’s the right term?

    I participate in the Absolute Write monthly blog hops and have done so almost an entire year! They are fun.

    1. Really interesting answers, thank you! I took part in AW Blog for the first time, and it was fun!

      Thank you for commenting.

  9. Last week I celebrated my blog's first birthday with a series of articles about blogging, and the lessons I've learned over the past year. Not to shamelessly plug my own blog, but you might find that helpful to you (especially my "top ten lessons" from last Tuesday). To answer your questions:

    1. Why did you start a blog?
    A number of reasons. I love writing, and this is a quick way to set out your thoughts and put them somewhere where others might benefit. Also, as a writer, it's a great way to hone writing skills, see what resonates with people, and get feedback on your writing. Last, but by no means least, it's a great way to meet fellow writers, both published and unpublished. Those are just a few reasons.

    2. Do you seek out followers/people to follow, and how do you do that if so? Do you look for particular ‘types’ of people?
    Yes and no. I might enter the occasional bloghop to try to get my blog in front of "different" people. Since my blog is largely to do with writing and books, I tend to look for those kinds of bloghops. However, I've decided to do less of that, mostly because it cuts into my writing time (see last week's articles). So I don't mind occasional "promotional" activities, but after a year, I know people are finding my blog, and those that like what they find will follow.

    3. Do you set rules around your blogging?
    Yes. I don't have a schedule any more (see last week), but I will blog at least once or twice a week; if I keep going back to a blog, I follow it; if someone comments on an article, I'll at least check out their blog. If I like what I see, I'll follow. There are probably others I can't think of off the top of my head.

    4. Do you take part in any groups or ‘meme’s if that’s the right term?
    Road Trip Wednesday, and I've started doing The Broke and the Bookish's Top Ten Tuesday meme--though not always (I didn't today).

    1. What great, detailed answers, thank you so much. Your article top ten lessons was great, and have commented.

      Very good point that the more blog hops you do the more it cuts into writing time. I think Once or Twice a week is manageable for me posting wise.

      I will look up the Broke And the Bookish, thanks for the link!

  10. I was told it was a good idea by my publisher and also someone at work said that a blog is more 'live' and instant. It was fun setting it up and I'm still experimenting!

    1. I love your blog ;) I think continuously experimenting with it all is important isn't it, see what one can get out of it. Thanks for commenting.

  11. 1. To practice getting my writing, any writing, out there!
    2. I've not really been focusing on this much recently but I guess it happens organically by following people and blogs you like
    3. My blog is entirely random, for now at least!
    4. I don't take part in any at the moment but might start!

    I've also given you a 7x7 award - details on my blog!

    1. You encouraged me to blog, so I thank you for that as am enjoying it ;) And thank you for the award!

  12. Hey
    I blog because its like keeping a journal for me about my writing - like an online diary that I hope other people might find interesting.
    I don't have a set time to blog because sometimes things get in the way but I try and do at least one post a fortnight if I can. They are generally just chat posts rather than anything useful though!
    I haven't tried to publicise my Blog really. I tweet sometimes when I update my blog but that's about it.
    I run some writers meetings but it would depend where you are based. Feel free to drop me an e-mail on x

    1. Thanks for commenting. It's interesting to know why people started, I think having a journal for yourself is a great thing, and if you can share it with others, then that's fun too!

      I will drop you a line!

  13. Nice posting. I started mine after my job closed down, I had plans to vent about it, but didn't start writing anything on it until last August. At first it was a bit newsy because I used to be an independent writer.

    1. Interesting that you started it after your job closed and that you've had it about a year? Thank you for commenting!

  14. Welcome to the blogging world, and thanks for following my blog.

    To answer your questions:

    1. Why did you start a blog? (To record my thoughts for myself, to connect with others, because I fancied it...)
    Originally it was to track and share my progress when I was writing for National Novel Writing Month in November. I keep a personal journal on LiveJournal, and I like sharing my experiences with others, but I didn't want those who read my personal journal for updates about my life, sons etc. to be overwhelmed with writing related content.
    In January this year, I started treating my writing like a job, and I'm hoping to get published. That's when I started taking my blog more seriously, trying to build up a platform and connect with other writers.
    2. Do you seek out followers/people to follow, and how do you do that if so? Do you look for particular ‘types’ of people? The only real rule I have when looking for followers is that they say something that interests me. It doesn't always have to be about writing. I find most of the people I follow through blog fests and blog hops, and sometimes via other people's blogs.
    3. Do you set rules around your blogging? (Specific timetable, topic, I always follow back, etc). Sort of. I don't have set topics, or set days I post on, but I do try to blog at least once a week, and I try to read other people's blogs about once a week too.
    4. Do you take part in any groups or ‘meme’s if that’s the right term? Eg YA Highway Road Trip Wednesday or insecure-writers-support-group ? Any to recommend? Any topics you’d like covered by similar? I don't take part in any regular ones, like the insecure-writers-support-group, but I do love signing up to fests and hops.
    5.Is there any sort of ‘meet and greet’ that goes on among the writing/book blogging community for the sole purpose of meeting others, that I don’t know about?! There isn't one that I know of, but there really should be. That's an excellent idea.

    1. Thank you for commenting! It's interesting that you felt the need to separate out your writing life, I can see why you'd want to separate it out and also be able to build that platform. I am going to sign up for some fests/hops soon I think!

      Maybe I will host a meet and greet and see how it goes!

  15. Great idea for a post. Here's my contribution to the discussion.

    I started blogging (only 4 months ago) to connect with fellow writers and I guess to start to build an online platform for the future. Mostly though it's just good to get support and advice from like minded people. It is also good to look back on and to practice our writing skills.

    I sometimes look for people to follow through other blogs but I especially like to connect with children's writers. I look for blogs that interest me. Following back - I always check out commentors or followers and follow back most of the time but only if it feels right, not just for the sake of it.

    I don't at the moment have a schedule but usually a couple of times a week. I only want to write a post if I have something to say that others might find interesting. I don't want to bore anybody!

    1. Thank you for commenting. I too am trying to blog a couple of times a week, that feels a good amount!

      And like you, I wanted to connect with other writers and get advice! Thanks for the answers ;)

      I am now following you ;)

  16. I‘ve been blogging since 2003. I have quite a few blogs on different subjects, but some I post to very rarely.
    I have a couple of writing blogs. One is private and I use it to work on my novel - characters, plot, etc. But my main writing blog is quite new and is there mainly for me to get my thoughts down on paper. On that one I blog about writing, plus anything else I fancy writing about which seems to fit there. :)

    I started to blog to record my thoughts (unravel them really...). Not sure it works, but I enjoy the process.

    I don‘t particularly seek out followers. I would have to blog whether anyone read me or not. But I do like to follow people I enjoy reading (I‘ve just bookmarked you incidentally :)).

    No rules, no timetable. I just blog when I feel like it - sometimes that means every day, sometimes that means once a month or less.

    I haven‘t taken part in any any groups or ‘meme’s, but may get involved with this later.

    Good post by the way. :)

    1. I'm very interested that you work on your novel in a blog, great idea, I hadn't thought to do that. Do you find it easy to search back and find your relevant research etc?

      Thank you for bookmarking and commenting, so interesting to hear your answers! Am following you now!

    2. "Do you find it easy to search back and find your relevant research etc?"
      I'm still working on that one :) I have to put many tags on each post and link up characters, plot lines and other things that way. Then I can search by tag.

      I chose to use a private blog for my story, as I use several different PCs or my mobile and this means I can get to my work as long as I can get online.

      Perhaps I should just use something like Drop box instead. Would probably be easier :)

    3. Hello - Sorry you thought your comment disappeared, I have it set to 'preview' before publish at the minute, though I might switch that off ;)

      Great to get to your work anywhere - think this is a good idea!

  17. I just started blogging! Mostly because my friends thought I should share my reviews, since I read so much. I like it. I get to meet all these great people.

    I like to do Teaser Tuesday and Waiting on Wednesday memes. That's a great way to get followers. Giveaways get followers too. :)

    1. Ooh I see those memes, they look fun ;) And Giveaways! I wouldn't know where to begin ;) Thank you so much for commenting!

  18. Fun topic. I like it!

    1. I started my blog because I wanted to self-reflect and it felt like a good way to do it. I also wanted (want) to share my own emotional journey with others in the hopes that my experiences will help them.

    2. I look for writing blogs primarily... I follow a lot of people from and IWSG. Something about knowing there's a community out there that shares a common interest just feels good. :)

    3. I try to limit the length of my blog posts to around 500-600 words and give an abridged meaning, so that people aren't burning their eyes out reading a 4k word post lol. And I like to update Friday mornings--no particular reason, I just got into the habit of doing it.

    4.) Insecure Writer's Support Group :D

    1. Thank you for answering the questions ;)

      Yes I agree re length of posts, short ones are good I think. And great that you have a regular time to do it, if you can keep to it I think that's a great idea as people know when to expect it!

      IWSG! ;)


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)