
Thursday, 7 June 2012

Shiny New Idea Syndrome

Shiny New Idea Syndrome should be a medically recognised condition. I am working on a draft, possibly editing it. All has been going well when suddenly a Shiny New Idea grips me. A flash of inspiration strikes and I can’t get rid of it. I turn this idea over in my head all the time. I think about it when out running, in the shower, on the tube. I can’t work on my current idea because I am so distracted by this one. I start to plan the novel out in my head, and I become forced to sit and write the first chapter, just to stop the nagging voices. 

Yes I realise I sound like a crazy person when I say that. It takes over. The current MS gets forgotten.

The positives of this are:

  • I am not writing to a publisher’s deadline. It doesn’t matter that my current MS gets put aside for SNI. 
  • This may be the idea which gets me published.
  • The current MS may simply need a break. I can return to it with fresh eyes later.

The dangers of course are:

  • I may never finish anything. This Shiny New Idea will become a current MS, and I’ll be distracted from it by another SNI.
  • My poor unloved manuscript. Lots of work has gone into it, it was a Shiny New Idea once, and now it’s languishing, sad and alone, in a drawer.
  • Sometimes the shine wears off a SNI and underneath is a dull worn idea, less original than the current MS.

The best option? Work on both I say! 

I am currently editing a manuscript so it’s a good time for a Shiny New Idea to grip. I can spend time honing lines on my current MS, and then have a break and write a new bit of the SNI.

Any thoughts about what to do when a SNI grips, and does anybody else have this problem?


  1. It's funny how suddenly one can get a whole bunch of ideas after a long time of "nothingness".

    The issue is not the ideas, but what to do with them.

    1. That is so true - it's a flood or a drought.

      Agreed. It's working out how what to turn them into or do with them that is the work!

      Thank you so much for stopping by.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just stopping by to say hi and to check out your blog! I have SNIS all the time. I call all of those little ideas hopping around "plot bunnies" :)

    I used to drop one wip and hop to another constantly. I never, ever finished anything. I finally put my mind to one thing and promised myself I would finish it before taking on any other big projects.

    I have a big shopping bag on my desk filled to the brim with notes. Whenever I have a new plot bunny pops up I scribble down as much of the general concept as I can and then come back to it later. This keeps me focused on the thing I need to do.

    However, I will engage in side projects from time to time to take a mental break from my wip and give myself time to recharge. Things like blog chain challenges are great for that. It gives me the chance to type up 500 words for a different project without moving too far away from my immediate work.

    Great post--and good luck keeping that SNIS under control!

    1. Thank you for stopping by.

      "Plot bunnies" is a perfect way to describe it. I like your method of scribbling down the concept and returning to it - that sounds like a v. good idea for keeping focussed. As are doing small challenges - I have recently been dabbling in flash fiction which is a nice diversion.

      Thank you for a great comment!

  4. Stopping by to say thank you again for following and now that I have seen what you have been posting so far I can't wait to see what comes next! (aka a redundant way of saying I am also now following you ;))

    About SNIS: I am one of those people that once an idea grips me I can't think of anything else. The good thing is I stick to one project. The bad one is that I am always afraid once I am done I won't have another idea!

    1. Thank you for following me ;) Nice to connect with you ;)

      It's great if you have one idea grip you all the way through - no SNIS for you! Am sure you will always have another idea too ;)

    2. I just came back again because I'm happy to be the first one to give you a blog award for your shiny new blog! You can find the details here.

      And thank you for having faith in my creativity ;)

    3. Oh my gosh, an award?!? That is too kind!! I will come find the information.

      Thank you very much that is very kind. I am all aglow and happy and smiling!

  5. Well it is great you are getting more ideas! And also good since you are not on a deadline. I say go with both! You are right, maybe this new idea is the one to get you published! :)

    1. Thank you, I think I will. You never know, right? Thank you for commenting ;)

  6. I suffer from immense feelings of guilt if I never get anything finished. That said, I firmly believe that making outlines doesn't really count as starting a new project, so that helps combat the syndrome!

    1. Outlines totally don't count - you can return to those later ;) Thank you for visiting and commenting!

  7. I have this ALL THE TIME. I hate Shiny New Idea. It pops up in the middle of what I think is an awesome manuscript, then completely ruins it by being even more awesome, and then I end up having to choose between the two of them, which I can't, so I start on both, and AH! The terror!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering from this.

    My Blog.

    1. I am glad it is not just me! Exactly, that terror of not knowing what to do! We will suffer together ;) Thank you for commenting and visiting!

  8. Ooh, I love this post. I can scarily relate to a lot of this!

    New to your blog!
    Stephanie @ Stepping Out of the Page

    1. Glad I am not the only one ;) Thank you for visiting!

  9. Haha. Having a huge case of it write now. Started a new blog , which in itself was a SNI. and now the ideas for the posts. I am having really advanced SNI i guess.

    And. also. plugging. :P.

    1. Glad I am not the only one ;) Off to visit your new blog /SNI!

  10. I love the concept of Shiny New Idea Syndrome. I think mine is a VERY extreme case. I get so many new ideas that when I try to develop one I get sidetracked before I've even started with the previous one :P

    1. Glad SNIS hits a chord with you too, it's nice not being the only one ;) Hee to being distracted during development - that sometimes happens to me too! Thank you for stopping by.

  11. I love the idea of it being a condition, lol! Just tell everyone "I have SNI syndrome" and they'll be all concerned. I get this all the time now. At the moment I'm doing revisions that my agent has asked me to do, so there's some pressure. I'm just praying and hoping a SNI doesn't pop up! Haha.

    1. Oooh revisions, good luck with those. Yes this would be a bad time for an SNI! Heh, glad you like the idea of it being a condition and thank you for commenting!

  12. I love the description of SNIS! I tend to jot them all down in a notebook so I can play with them later. I'm trying really, really hard to focus on just one thing at a time at the moment but at least by having lots of shiny new ideas, you know you'll never run out!

    1. Jotting them down in a notebook is a very good idea, I will try and do that!

  13. I'm all for your working on both, as long as you finish both. :)

    Rooting you on!

  14. You and I are in the very same boat. I can't tell you how many manuscripts I've started, and even have rough drafts on. But how many have I finished? None so far. That is because I get a shiny new idea or three and just have to start writing, hehehe. Also, editing is really hard. I did get really far by having a critique partner, we held each other accountable to turning in finished chapters.



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