
Monday, 2 July 2012

#writemotivation & Do You Set Writing Goals?

I have joined in the fun of writemotivation this month and will be aiming to achieve my goals and cheers on others using  Twitter #writemotivation and of course general bloggage fun. If you haven't checked it out, do clicky the linkys if you are curious.

Which brings me to my question for you all, dear readers:

Do You Set Writing Goals?

Does it help you to set goals? Are these goals around chapters or words or time spent? What are your current goals? I’ll be cheering on the #writemotivation crowd but outside of that if you want to be blog/twitter cheered on and encouraged let me know and I’ll do what I can!

My goals for July #writemotivation are:

1) Finish line edit of my novel (18 chapters to go!)
2) Continue to post twice a week in blog
3) Rough outline a new idea

Let’s see if I achieve them! Let me know whether you goal set!


  1. Joining the Write Motivation group has helped me put my goals on paper - otherwise, I tend to allow things to slide. Good luck this month. See you on Twitter!

    1. Thank you, you too! See you on twitter!

  2. Oh wow! I didn't know this existed. I definitely want to participate in the next one. Good luck achieving your goals for July!

    1. Feels a very good group to be part of, do join in the next one! & thank you, fingers crossed.

  3. So glad to see you joined #writemotivation!! And those are some great goals!! You can totally do it!!

    1. Thank you, we will cheer each other on! :)

  4. great goals! having a short, specific list makes them easier to accomplish!
    i'm going to:
    finish tweaking ms,
    do a couple of blog hops, and
    make sure i'm ready for camp nano in august!
    feels good to write it out!

    1. Great to hear your aims - I am going to try camp nano in August too! Fingers crossed!

  5. I do set goals but they are pretty long term and never something that I absolutely cannot do. That way I am almost always successful and do not feel like a failure. Like last year one of my goals was to finish a first draft of my new novel. I was able to do that. I tried setting shorter goals like so many words per week but I just couldn't keep to it with so many other obligations. Goal setting is important though and I find it very motivating. I always give myself a little reward (if I finish by July, I will take myself out for ice cream--something silly like that. It works.)

    1. It is interesting that you set longer term goals and absolutely, I see why that can be better and motivating. Ice cream! A great motivator ;)

      Thank you for commenting!

  6. This sounds like an interesting challenge method, so I might have to try it. I'm currently also in line editing, but I have 30 chapters to go. I'm a lot slower at it than I hoped, though it is getting faster because the beginning of the book was just in really bad shape.

    1. Worth trying it out next time I think ;)

      We will encourage each other with our line editing. I think it does get faster because spotting those common words to alter gets easier! Thank you for commenting ;)

  7. only when they're reasonable! I try not to set up unrealistic goals that will make me feel like a failure.

    1. Ha, true! Reasonable achievable goals are the best ;)

  8. I definitely set goals but--gulp!--might not always adhere to them. :)

    1. Hee, that's the trouble isn't it. Mind, sometimes life just gets in the way ;)

  9. Setting writing goals, along with working out a writing/ blogging/ social net-working scheduled, can really help make you a more productive writer.

    Which reminds me ... I should set some goals for July.

    Good luck with your goals. I'll be checking back on your blog to see how you get on.

    1. Thank you very much for your encouragement. Do set goals, and share them, I'll cheer you on ;)

  10. So glad you joined us! Those look like great goals - focused and hardcore. Good luck!

    1. Hello - Oops I accidentally published your comment twice, I apologised, removed the one below! Sorry I have preview set on and am just getting used to it! So happy you visited here and look forward to tweeting encouragement to you!

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. #Writemotivation is really supposed to kick start my WIP again, have been neglecting it too much! Happy you are participating too :D

  13. Whenever I set writing goals, I stop writing. It's weird. Maybe my only 'goal' is write everyday.

    1. Writing every day is a very good goal!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)