
Thursday, 9 August 2012

Write on Con? Write Club? + Camp Nano Fail!

There is so much awesome going on at the moment!

So first things first: who is going to be joining in the fun of WriteOnCon? It looks a great way of maybe getting the attention of agents, and also meeting other great writers. I am already going wow at the talent there is out there!

Is this just US based, does anyone know? I can’t see many of the faculty/agents as being UK based, though I suppose that doesn’t stop a UK person joining in, of course, but.. I wondered. 

I may use this as the opportunity to stalk some people’s awesome work and offer some beta reads, LOL. Also I have two ideas in WIP which I’m struggling with so I might put the first 250 words of each up and see what feedback I get, I see people putting WIPs up so I hope that's okay too?

Secondly, who is following the awesome WRITE CLUB at DL Hammons blog? Again am amazed at the variety and talent out there. I also LOVE just looking at the writing and thinking how I like it, without any... thought about who has written it. It’s neat! Love it!

Third: I think I have failed Camp Nano already. I just had a busy time going to the Olympics (and being twenty feet from Usain Bolt, OMG!) and work is busy so I am leaving late and... I am chugging away at the writing, but that combined with the fact my all planned out WIP is not playing ball means I likely will fail.

Still my aim in doing it was to end up with an idea I could work on, and I think I am starting to see my way clear (not with my WIP, a different idea, LOL) so if I achieve that much and not the word count, I won’t mind too much.

LASTLY Please enter my giveaway. I am giving away awesome books y’know: GO HERE


  1. Ah, I'm so jealous that you were at the Olympics! If I'd known I was going to enjoy it so much, I'd have tried to get tickets!

    Sharing parts of your WIP can be really helpful, so if you're comfortable enough to do it - I'd say go for it! :D

    1. I had such a good time, I can't tell you. Loving having the Olympics in my town!

      Thank you lovely, maybe I will do so!

  2. Go for it and post some of your WIP. There is loads of help out there and any comments can help you move forward. Good luck.

  3. I'm considering checking out Write on Con, but working out if I can juggle it with Camp NaNo. Good luck to you if you attend.

    I know it's open to everyone world wide, but I don't know if any UK agents are attending.

    WRITE CLUB is impressing me to no ends, the work there produced is excellent.

    Sorry you're falling behind with NaNo, but if you get inspiration and motivation for a story from it, that's good to be a good thing.

    Best of luck with everything. :D

    1. Nano was just too much for me I think! Thank you for the best of luck wishes! Good luck finishing with Nano you are ROCKING it.

  4. Hey, it's the Olympics - go and enjoy! How many times are you going to get to attend them in person?
    My publisher told me not to post any excerpts from my writing, but that might be because I am already published. (Excerpts from the book I can post with permission though.)

    1. Likely not very often, you are right there. It has been a once in a lifetime experience.

      Thanks for that tip off (I imagine that a publisher would indeed wish to set such constraints!).

  5. AH! The Olympics!?!?! SO Jealous!!!

    1. Had the best time!! Loving the Olympics!

  6. I "attended" WriteOnCon last year, and it's well worth the time. Since it's online, it doesn't matter where in the world you are. The times on the schedule are all US Eastern Time, I believe (GMT-5), so you may have some late nights. But aside from that, you should be able to participate as fully as anyone else.

    I think all the participating agents/editors are US-based. But when it comes to publishing, international lines seem to get blurred. I know US agents that represent people in the UK, Australia, and elsewhere. And if you have specific questions about publishing in the UK, or being in the UK and the logistics of have a US publisher, there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions during agent Q&A sessions.

    Last year I was on the verge of sending out a query for my novel, and WriteOnCon really helped me polish it, and get some tips for the first 5 pages of the novel. The forums are a great place to pick up advice, and help other writers improve their work. This year, I'll probably be scouting out Critique Partners, since my WIP is nowhere near ready for showtime. :)

    1. Thank you for this detailed and helpful response. I think I will definitely join in, it sounds like there are great benefits to be had from posting some of my work up there.

      You are right that the international lines have been blurred and very good idea that it is something to ask during a Q&A!! Great suggestion.

      Thank you for this reply.

  7. I'm a bit sad the idea for CampNaNo isn't turning out as it should, but I'd love to read and comment on your other idea! :) And like I said in my mail, you can always use the CampNaNo idea for later when you have more inspiration!

    1. Me TOO :( I am going to try a couple of things with it to see if I can get it to work. And bless you, this weekend you might get Idea No 2 in your inbox! :)

  8. I think you get a pass since the Olympics is going on in your backyard and all! Who could focus on anything else but that?

    1. Certainly not ME! (Thanks for the comment and the pass!)

  9. The point of NaNo, even if you don't win, is to do better than you've done before. So don't give up just write more than you normally would.

    P.S. So jealous about the Olympics. I bet that was a blast!

    1. Thank you that's v. encouraging and you are right,I should chug on and get a chunk out even if I don't hit a 'target'.

      Olympics was The Best!

  10. I'll be at WriteOnCon, too! Hope to see you there. Don't beat yourself up about NaNo. There's always another one down the road. I take 6 months to write a first draft, but my revisions don't need any big-picture fixes, and that's worth the time I spend.

    1. Going to get commenting on Write On Con this weekend ;)

      And thank you, you are right. Better to get a draft out I am happy with I think!

  11. That's a great idea to post your WIPs. I'm in the same predicament as you...too much Olympics and block on writing. I'm hoping next week will be better :)
    I am LOVING WRiTE CLUB though!!!

    1. Thank you I might do the same.

      OLYMPICS is so distracting! Can't do anything!

      Write club is the best!

  12. Thank you, I will come to see.

  13. Don't worry about failing Camp Nano - as they say in the Olympics, it's the taking part that counts! 20ft away from Usain Bolt - you have to work that into your writing somewhere!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)