
Monday, 24 September 2012

#writemotivation & Competition Success

Two pieces of success for me, and afterwards I will ask for your successes of the week.

Firstly, my goal for this month's #writemotivation was to write 25000 words and am currently standing  at 30000 thanks to the Fast Drafting I have been doing. Woo! I will write a post about Fast Draft when I have finished it telling you all how I found it.

How is everyone's #writemotivation going?

Secondly I entered a competition in a local book festival to write a piece of flash fiction. I am one of 12 finalists and I have to go read it out at an event where people vote for the winner! It will just be exciting to be part of it, and it's nice to have a wee boost like that.

What are your successes of the week? Get that difficult chapter done? Finally tidy the front room? :) Let me know!


  1. Woot! That's awesome, Vik! :D *waves dinosaur cheerleader cookie pompoms*

    Good luck with the Flash fiction contest. What an awesome experience.

    I've almost made my goals for the month, so it's going well. 4K left and I'm golden. :D

  2. Oh wonderful news, congratulations. I hope you enjoy reading it to an audience. Let us know how it goes. It certainly is a confidence booster isn't it? All I've managed this week is a little editing on one of my Birthstone Unicorn stories but I'm happier with it.

  3. Awesome job!! And congrats on the competition!! =)

  4. Congratulations on the word count and being a finalist!
    Tonight I should finish edits on my next book and send it to my critique partners.

  5. Three cheers for beating your word count goal. This is awesome!

    And wishing you the very best as you and the other finalists read. Reading your work can be a very fun experience and I hope you do well :-)

    As for my own successes, I'm just chugging along on the self-publishing trail ticking off things until October 8th gets here then BAM! The big day will be here.

  6. Good for you for surpassing your goal! And a finalist in a competition? Fab! Sounds like September has been good to you.

  7. Congratulations on being a finalist! I hope it all goes well! I'll be cheering for you on the sidelines! :)

  8. Congrats on the great news! Go you! Well I'm very excited to say I got back into working on my WIP and completed revising 4 chapters over the weekend!

  9. Andrew - thank you and yay glad you are nearly there with your goals!

    Suzanne - glad you are happier with your story ;)

    Sara + Bonnie - thank you!

    Alex - glad your edits will be finished, woo!!

    Angela - oooh look forward to your big release!!

    Emily- thank you, it's nice to be part of the competition

    Livia - thank you for the support

    Lisa - yay that you revised 4 chapters ;)

    Vikki - thank you!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)