
Wednesday, 7 November 2012

IWSG: Keeping Going (even when you're late)

Apologies for the lateness of this post, I somehow confused my weeks. But that does bring me onto my theme for this month's IWSG : Keeping Going.

I often see stories of people getting agents, and one thing I am struck by is how they have kept going. They have queried not one, but two or three or more books. They have revised and resubmitted. They have queried 100 agents. They have entered contests. And throughout this, there are times where we all feel late or behind. Others are published already. But this isn't a race. All we have to do is keep going.

And those insecurities can sometimes stop us from keeping going. And sometimes, we may wish to stop, we may need to pause, and that's okay too.

But often it's a matter of picking ourselves up and sending out one more query - we never know what's around the corner. So if this is you, good luck. Send out that query - you never know. And I wish you luck.


  1. Thanks for reminding us that we need to continue and be persistent. If every writer gave up after only one try, almost no one would make it.

  2. Exactly, we never know what's around the corner so keep going. Loving the new header too :)

  3. It's not a race and we all have our own pace.

  4. You're right. It's about perseverance and persistence.

  5. Thanks for the motivational post. :) I agree--everything I read and hear about successful writers (and successful people for that matter) point to one thing. Persistence is IT.

  6. Thank you so much for your words today. I needed them!

  7. L.G. -- absolutely, there'd be nobody published!

    Suzanne - thank you, I am very lucky to have the header!

    Alex - indeed, it's about going at our own pace.

    Miranda - thank you, it is about keeping going I think.

    Susan - thank you for commenting. Indeed as you say, about anyone who is successful!

    Debra - Thank you for commenting!

  8. Always darkest before the dawn and often we are just one step away from success.

  9. That is very true! We all have to be patience and go at our own pace. It's not a race. :)

  10. We are so in sync! I've been thinking this same stuff lately. Love it! So true! Keep going!!!

  11. Well said! And you're right; everyone I know who has gotten published (or gotten an agent) has kept going despite considerable odds. And the few people who had a relatively simple path to publication often say afterward that the knocks came later and they were unprepared because they hadn't learned as much on the journey. So, really, these lessons can be for the best. They're just ways for us to prove that we are cut out for this life.

  12. I have to tell myself to keep going every week. I don't expect that will ever change without support at home, but I get what I need in this group and my critique group and online partners. almost 10 years after I started writing, I don't much care if I get an agent. I've learned enough to self-publish. We'll see after I'm done rewriting again.

  13. Your positive attitude is contagious. Thanks for sharing.

  14. YES! Such an inspiring post! You are so right, the secret of publishing is just keeping at it!

  15. As I like to say, keep on, keeping on.

    P.S. I don't think you were late. The 7th was the first Wed. If anyone's late, it's me trying to comment on others' blogs. Happy IWSG day. :)

  16. There is so much truth in this. Great post!

  17. Just keep writing, writing, writing. Just keep writing, writing, writing...

    That's my motto:)

  18. Ink - you are right, love it! Just keep writing. :)

    Nicole - thank you, glad you liked it.

    Candilynn - aw thank you, glad I wasn't late! Happy IWSG day!

    Sylvia - thank you. Perseverance is key I think.

    Zara - thank you, glad to pass the positivity on! :)

    Sher - good luck with the rewriting! Thank you for commenting.

    Caryn - yes, that's an interesting point, even if parts of the journey are straightforward there will be parts that aren't. We must prepare ourselves. Thank you for commenting.

    Leigh - glad we're in sync! Thank you for commenting!

    Krista - absolutely, there's no race here ;)

    L Diane, that's a great quote you are right darkest before dawn!

    Thanks everyone for commenting!

  19. You are so right! It's not a race! And in this business, sometimes everything is about timing. You never know who will be in a position to take on a new author or who your work will resonate with at any particular time. It's so important to keep plugging!

  20. Lisa - thanks for commenting. And indeed sometimes that timing is luck isn't it! You just have to plug away!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)