
Monday, 18 February 2013

Are you "A-Z" ing?

Who out there is joining in the A-Z challenge, or has in the past? I am considering joining in - am trying to work out if I can realistically post that much in April! So I am saving signing up until I figure that out.

I have an idea for a theme: what I have learned about writing from watching TV. I have seen similar posts covering this, but I thought an A-Z of it might be fun. Would anyone read that? Is it overdone? My other ? ideas are from books/movies but TV feels easier.

Are you joining in? Do you have a theme?


  1. I am AtoZing again this year! I think it's a blast. I am definitely curious about your theme and to see 26 different post about it really makes me even more so. I will be stop by during A to Z if you do decide to enter!

  2. I've joined and already writing the posts as I don't think I can write one daily any time of the year. It is the first time I enter this challenge but everyone has recommended me to 1. write posts in advance and 2. choose a theme. I recommend you to do the same.

  3. Join us!!! This will be my fourth year and yes, I have a theme. Much easier with a theme.

  4. I took part last year and managed to successfully post on most of the days. I still haven't decided whether I'll join in this year or not. I didn't really have a theme last year, but most of my posts had to do with reading and writing. The best thing you can do is plan ahead. :)

  5. I'm having a hard time coming up with my theme, but yet. I keep vacillating between introducing a WIP or just talking about process... I'm not sure.

  6. I'm A to Z'ing! I have a theme, but it's not quite written yet. ;)

  7. I'd not heard of this until reading your post - but I'm intrigued and very tempted to join in. It's certainly a challenge to write a post a day for a month. :-)

  8. Yes, I'm joining in and I have a theme - the A to Z of fencing and swordplay.
    I think your theme sounds like a lot of fun!

  9. I've never participated but am considering it this time around. If I do, I'll definitely choose a topic beforehand and write the posts in advance.

  10. I'm participating this year, for the first time. I'm still kicking around potential themes, and I should really get things in gear and start writing posts!

  11. I'm A-Zing this year. I did it last year and it was so much fun, a real boost for your blog. I have a theme, although I haven't 'released' it yet. I'm super organised this year with a spreadsheet of the days, letters and topics. Now all I need to do is get on with writing the posts. Good luck with yours, I look forward to reading your entries!

  12. I did A to Z last year, and I really got to stretch my blogging muscles. I didn't have a theme last year, and I got by. This year, I'm going with a theme. I did remember seeing people who wrote about TV as part of their theme last year, so it can be done! =)

  13. Dani - thank you, I think I probably will enter! :) Look forward to seeing your posts.

    Al - good idea to write posts in advance, I'll get started!! Thanks!

    Alex - thank you, I think I will!

    Jaime - thank you, I think I will plan ahead!

    Rena - a theme feels helpful doesn't it? I hope you settle on yours!

    Nicole - ooh intrigued that you have a theme!

    Kate - it certainly is a challenge. Trying to work out if I can meet it!

    Tyrean - fencing and swordplay; intriguing!

    ~Charity~1- yes that seems the advice doesn't it!

    Lara - I am trying to start writing my posts too!

    Heather - you sound super organised!! I am in admiration!

    Cynthia - I hope TV isn't too overdone, but I think I might go for it ;)

    Thanks all for the advice/thoughts.

  14. Yes, I'm planning to A-Z this year. The great thing with this challenge is that you already know what letters go with which days, so you can go ahead and start writing and scheduling articles. You don't have to wait until April 1 to start writing. If you anticipate being busy during April, this might be advisable. :)

  15. I did last year, and I'm planning to again this year. I didn't have a theme last year and it worked out pretty well. I'd kind of like to make one for this year, but I'm not 100% sure whether or not I will.

  16. Colin - thanks, I think I definitely will start ahead of April!

    Tobi - look forward to joining you in A-Z ing ;)

  17. Hi! Glad you decided to sign up for the A-Z and no, this theme hasn't been done and yes, I would love to learn what you have to say. I'm a new follower.

    I'm doing my A-Z on personality type matches, an extension of the theme I did two years ago, where I presented 27 personality types, but didn't match them up with each other! Fun.

  18. I'm doing it, but can't decide on my theme as yet lol

    I'd definitely read your posts though honey, your idea sounds great!


  19. go for it! looking forward to your posts!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)