
Friday, 1 February 2013

Celebrate the Small Things - 1/Feb

Time to Celebrate the Small Things!

The instructions are simple: sign up, post something to celebrate, hop around and cheer on others, bask in warm glow. Full instructions and badge here.

This week I am celebrating:

Going to my Boxercise class. I missed it for a couple of weeks and it's so fun. I recommend punching away as stress relief and good exercise (not people obviously. PADS.)

Going out for a nice dinner with boyf and his visiting brother!

Completing line edits on 6 chapters of the MS being revised. I WILL get to the end.

It being FEBRUARY.

I would also like to celebrate ALL OF YOU for signing up and joining in. It really does cheer me so. I hope you are getting cheer out of it too!

What are you celebrating?

Check out everyone on the hop:


  1. Congrats on your resuming your Boxercise classes. Dinner with BF sounds great...
    Line edits on 6 chapters... awesome!
    I also celebrated making it to the second month of this year!

  2. So we better not mess with you? hahaha. Excellent week!

  3. Punching and kicking [pads!] is a great stress relief, and a nice way to vent. I'm always grateful when I can get in a nice workout -- I feel so much better afterwards.

  4. Can't punch people? Bummer. It does sound like a great stress reliever though!

  5. It sounds like you had a great week!

  6. I sounds like an awesome week! Boxercise sounds fun!

  7. yay for going out on a date =)

    happy february!

  8. Splendid and varied achievements. Whoopee!

  9. Seems like you had an awesome sauce sort of week :D

  10. Sounds like you had a really good week. And I so agree, I'm celebrating the fact that it's February as well. Yay!

    Thanks again for hosting this fun hop. :)

  11. I love dates and I love finishing edits. and February is my favorite because its my birthday month!
    congrats to you!

  12. Fun exercise and good food? Can't really beat that! And get those edits done stat - I am tired of waiting for your book deal to happen! :)

  13. Punching things to relieve stress sounds like a great idea; I must start doing that!

  14. Getting back into exercise is hard. Congrats for having the gumption to get back in!

  15. What a lovely week you had! I'm glad you got back to exercising :)

  16. Boxercise sounds like great fun, I would love to give it a go. Well done for doing a lot of your line edits-keep at it!

  17. Oh yes, I'm having a blast with this blog hop and meeting some amazing bloggers too. Thank you so much for hosting it! Sounds like you've had a wonderful week...Happy February to you!

  18. Michelle - yay to feb for us both ;)

    Al - ha ha, I don't know about that ;)

    Alex - It is a v. satisfying class!

    L.G. - thank you I did!

    Tyrean - boxercise is tons of fun!

    Tara - Happy Feb to you! :)

    Julia - thank you, whoopee indeed!

    Randi - thank you I have ;) I love the phrase awesomesauce

    Julie - yay to february and no worries, thank YOU for joining in!


    J.A. - you are TOO KIND to encourage me so *line edits away*

  19. Laura - I thoroughly recommend it *take that difficult piece of work*

    Rena - thank you, I'm glad I went!

    Vanessa - thank you, me too!

    Anstice - it's lot of fun, all punching and hopping about

    M.J. - I am glad you are enjoying!!

  20. Sheesh, revision is a bear, isn't it? It's great you have a nice dinner with BF to take your mind off it.
    I love this blog hop, and thank you so much for having it! :-)

  21. Boxercise sounds like a lot of fun! Glad you had a nice week! And this bloghop is a great idea!

  22. Boxercise sounds like a lot of hard. Yuck. Lol line edits is a plus!! You will get to the end!!

  23. Boxercise? That sounds pretty fun, actually!

    Congrats on your editing progress [g]

  24. Why do we let things we love go by the wayside? So glad you've got back into Boxercise. That stress relieving is how I feel about tennis. I whack those stresses right out!

  25. Boxercise sounds fun! Enjoy your month!

  26. I'm impressed you were able to complete line edits on six chapters of what I'm assuming is a YA manuscript in one week. You've been busy! Exercising is key--helps our gray matter focus--and boxercise sounds fun! Thanks for sharing and for sponsoring this blogfest so we appreciate what we're able to accomplish on a weekly basis, and not just pine for our big break and overlook all of the joy we experience along the way.

  27. Lots of things, Vik! The Boxercise sounds wonderful.

  28. LOVE Boxercise, haven't done it for years, maybe time to... NO! Busy, busy but I share your joy in sports which really get the heart pumping. Love the idea of 'celebration', have signed up :)

  29. i forgot to say, boxing class?! thats awesome!!

  30. Lexa - that is my pleasure, it is lovely to see people celebrating away!

    Tamara - I thoroughly recommend Boxercise! :)

    Dani - my legs are quite achey today from the exercise I'll admit.

    Lara - it is fun! :)

    Nancy - heh, I bet, take it out on those tennis balls!

    Jaye - thank you, you too!

    Kim - yes it was my YA, I was busy, I won't do as many this week but hey ho! No worries, thank you for joining in.

    C. Lee - boxercise was lots of fun!

    Jaxbee - thank you for signing up!

    Tara - it is much fun!

    Thanks all for commenting.

  31. Never been to a Boxercise class. Although after being in the revision process for these past few weeks, I could use one.


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)