
Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Blog Blitz!

I have seen this awesome idea: BLOG BLITZ hosted by DL Hammons (he of Write Club fabulousness). See this post here to join in/get all the deets, but the idea is this:

You sign up on the linky, and become part of the Blog Blitz Team. From time to time DL will select a deserving blog and date and email everyone the info. On that date everyone goes out of their way to visit that blog and blitz it with comments. How nice to get encouraging comments all out of the blue!

So join in, spread the word, sign up ;)


  1. Fantastic idea, right???? I'm all signed up :D

  2. Thanks for pointing out the Blog Blitz! Sounds like a great way to make connections with other writers.

  3. Alex - hurrah, it looks good.

    JL - yay! See you there.

    SK - GREAT idea!

    Jaime - sounds fun doesn't it!

    Erin - no worries!

  4. Yes, to bubble bath! That's a necessity, small but huge in making the day perfect! I usually email responses to comments on my blog, but when people don't have that option I leave responses on my blog! You've got one there.

    Have a great weekend.

  5. C. Lee - thank you for letting me know you left a response.


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)