
Monday, 20 May 2013

Space going on London workshop with author/agent

Any London or UK based writers out there who fancy a space on a workshop with published YA author Sara Grant and her agent, Jenny Savill?  I booked a slot and can't go anymore, so my space is up for grabs. It is Sat June 15th and was £65. Would be great to get all / some of the cost back but also I'd hate for the space to go to waste.

All the details are here but basically it involves a day in blackheath, an in depth workshop on critique from Sara and ten minutes with her agent looking over your cover letter, pitch and synopsis. It's a great opportunity. There's a Nov date too and I could probably ask to transfer it to that if that was better.

If anybody is interested please let me know asap and certainly let me know you are considering it by the end of the week. Feel free to drop me an email ( or comment here.


  1. Wrong continent! Sorry you can't go.

  2. For fun! I bet it'll be a blast! :-)

  3. Oh, I do hope you're missing this because something wonderful came up!

  4. I don't live there, sorry. I just hope you have something more awesome to do instead! :) By the way ...

    I've nominated you for a Sunshine Award! For more details, please see my post about it.

  5. did you check with kyra or annalisa? not sure how close they are to you, but closer than me! good luck!

    and loved your friday celebrations! sweet simple surprises from friends always brighten a day!

  6. Also wrong continent :(

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  7. Thanks everyone! Sorry you are the wrong continents Allison & Alex and Kristen and Tara :) Morgan and Diana thanks for commenting!

  8. How nice of you to shoot that out there. May a thankful and excited blogger/writer be able to attend! And it's on my birthday too. :) Writer’s Mark

  9. Nancy - ah happy birthday in advance!

  10. I'd love that but you must let Nancy have it on account of being her birthday and all! Plus, the day sounds wonderful and I'm sure you'd get a lot out of it, YA writer or otherwise, but as I'm not writing YA or children's literature, it would be better suited to somebody who was, with Jenny specialising in this. Thanks for the offer though and yes, what ARE you doing instead??

  11. Jax - I don't think Nancy was asking to do it so if you were interested, do shout! :)


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)