
Friday, 14 June 2013

Celebrate the Small Things - 14 June

Here we are with another Celebrate the Small Things, and HOW are we in Mid June people, how?

The rules of Celebrating are so simple they aren't really rules! Just sign up on the linky, post some celebrations, and hop around and share the celebrations of others! The celebrations can be as small as you like and don't have to be writing related.

Mine for this week are:

  • A friend from my writing group has a book deal, and has even sold rights to Germany - I am so excited for her.
  • It is the weekend.
  • I am able to work from home today which is good because no commute and also means I can get lots of stuff done!
  • Otherwise been a busy work average sort of week but every 'normal' week which passes is a reason to celebrate in itself. Grateful for all to be averagely well!

Here's the linky list!


  1. Someone said 'the wonder of life is composed mostly of trivia' (Robert Raynolds, actually), and I think he's right. I'm glad you have a sum of small things that together make you smile!

  2. Yay for the normal week, work from home time, and for the weekend! Big congrats to your friend for her deal! I made my own publishing announcement this week, but because of IWSG last week and my big announcement this week, I've neglected to do the Celebrate the Small Things for two weeks now. *blush* But I'll visit blog-hoppers, and I promise to be back next week with a post. :-)

  3. Always happy when I don't have to commute!

  4. Sounds exciting! Working from home sounds nice, wish I could do that! Maybe one day :)

  5. Glad you've had a nice week. Average weeks can be cool too. Have a fun weekend.

  6. How wonderful of you to note your friend's success. And happy weekend to you.

  7. Congrats on working from home and your friend's success.

  8. Good for your friend. Working at home is always a blessing and I am also glad it is weekend already. :)

  9. Yay for no commute! And congrats to your friend selling her book. That's awesome news.

  10. Very exciting news for your friend! It's always fun to celebrate no commute and even the every day things we usually ignore. Good job!

  11. That is a lovely list you have there, Vikki! I just finished my post. I love this blog hop because I maintain a gratitude journal. :D Lots of blog post material!

    Thank you - glad we're connected! Have a fab weekend.

  12. Yay for seeing our fellow authors show us it can be done!
    ANd yay for actually being productive at home- that's awesome.

  13. Congrats to your friend on the book deal! And no commute- yay!!!

  14. How exciting for your friends book deal. And it's always great to work from home. (I think) Have a great weekend!

  15. Yay for your friend's book deal + selling rights to Germany!
    No commute? Now that must be a huge relief!

    Writer In Transit

  16. A book deal for a friend, how lovely! Otherwise, simple and average, but nice none-the-less!

  17. Enjoy your weekend! Glad you're in such a successful writing group. Kudos to that member, and may you continue to have wonderful "normal" work weeks. :) Writer’s Mark

  18. Hooray for working from home! You can't beat yoga pants for comfort! :)

  19. It's the weekend - love that! great reason to celebrate :)


  20. Enjoy your weekend!!!!
    Yay for your friend and the book deal :D

  21. Yea for your friend! That is amazing! And thank goodness for the weekend. I should have added to my celebration that it isn't raining!

    Meredith Johnson
    Meredith's Musings

  22. Yay for working from home and it being the weekend. And I love when something exciting happens for a fellow writer friend...I get all the feels :)

  23. I love when good things happen to friends and we are just as excited for them as we would be for ourselves. That's love. Congrats to your friend.

  24. Maybe this is one more thing to celebrate: I have nominated you and blog for the Liebster Award. I also like your linky list for the blog hop and have visited a number of blogs on your list. Besides that, I love your blog title!

  25. Diana - what a wonderful quote thank you for sharing it!

    Lexa - so excited to hear your news, I went to leave a big CONGRATS!!!

    Alex - it's the best!

    Laura- it is nice to have a day working from home. Makes a change!

    M.J. - yay indeed. When's the next one?!

    Suzanne - average weeks are better than bad ones!

    C. Lee - I like hearing good news from others!

    Sheena-kay - thank you!

    Al - working from home is a nice change.

    M - it is good news! :)

    Deanie thank you!

    Vidya - you have LOTS of material! Happy to connect with you! :)

    Beverly - I actually get more done at home!

    Jackie - YAY!

    Cathrina - ah the weekend was over too soon!

    michelle- it made a nice change to have no travel.

    Brandy- indeed nice none the less!

    Nancy - it is a good group!

    Lara - yoga pants! Must get some!

    Rhonda- it is ALWAYS a reason to celebrate.

    S.K. - yay for her indeed!

    Meredith - lack of rain is a good one!

    J.A. - I LOVE IT TOO!

    Nana - thank you. It is nice to celebrate for her!

    janiceheck - gosh thank you thank you so much for the award and the comment!! HUG!

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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