
Friday, 12 July 2013

Celebrate The Small Things - Fri 12 July

Time for another Celebrate The Small Things! What are we all celebrating?

We know the 'sign up/post celebrations/celebrate with others' rules by now don't we?

So what am I celebrating:

ANDY MURRAY WON WIMBLEDON!!!! First British Male Singles Winner in an age. So exciting.
I do like the tennis.
& I like Andy Murray ;)

That and sunshine, and a weekend off, and I'll see some friends at a wedding (not mine).

How about you?

Here's the linky! Go celebrate.


  1. Have fun seeing those friends!

  2. Yay for Murray!

    Have an amazing time at the wedding :)

  3. Great things for you to celebrate, VikLit! My sisters both played tennis and liked it a lot. Our neighbors had a tennis court! Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I was also glad to see Andy win at Wimbledon. Have a wonderful week off, and enjoy the wedding.

  5. Happy Friday and enjoy that sunshine :)

    Meredith’s Musings

  6. Go ahead and be excited about that!

  7. I have to say, this is the most enjoyable blog hop that I've done yet. All of the posts are so different. I love that!

  8. Cool!!!

    And yay for sunshine and weddings!

  9. My link goes to an old post. I wrote a new post today at
    Can you delete my link on the list and I'll add my blog link, rather than just the old post?

  10. Yay for Andy Murray! That must have been such a thrill for him.

    Happy weekend!

  11. My husband came running downstairs from the TV room to tell me the great news. I missed the match. Darn it!

  12. My father was very excited to share the information with me about Andy Murray winning.

  13. I'm glad your favorite player won. Enjoy your weekend off! :)

  14. Congrats on the Roddick win! It feels so great when your favorite player or team wins. Enjoy! :-)

  15. Have fun at the wedding Vik!
    Yay for Andy!

  16. Have a wonderful time with your friends and enjoy your weekend! :)

  17. Sounds like a wonderful week-end. Enjoy.

    My link is linking back to an old celebrate post. I linked again. Hope this doesn't cause problems.

  18. I heard who won, but I never actually watched it. It's good news, though :)
    Yay for sunshine and a weekend off!

  19. Not had time to post this Friday, sorry. Happy to share in your celebrations, though. Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

  20. Great national news for you! I hope you do get to enjoy lots of sunshine, cake and fun this weekend. Writer’s Mark

  21. T. Drecker - I had a lovely catch up thank you!

    S.K. - STILL excited for Andy M!

    Deanie - wow, jealous of your neighbours court!

    Sarah - thank you, you too.

    Cathrina -it was a lovely wedding thanks!

    Meredith - thank you I will!

    Alex - I will!

    Mei - aw, so happy you are enjoying it, thank you for saying so!

    Tyrean - yay indeed!

    Emily - I deleted you, so please add your self again?!

    Julie - yay for Andy indeed.

    clee - aw sorry you missed the match!

    Nana Prah - it was an exciting moment, his win!

    Lara - thank you Lara!

    Lexa - I was happy my player won!

    michelle - thanks, I did!

    Jackie - thank you.

    Patricia - I deleted your first one, thanks for the tip off!

    Laura - it is good!

    Julia - no worries on this week posting ;)

    Nancy - it was GREAT news!

  22. Sounds like a fabulous weekend! Enjoy. :)

  23. The sunshine really has made this last week amazing!

  24. I'm not a massive tennis fan but I made a point to watch the final and was really chuffed for Murray's win. He definitely deserved it!

  25. I love attending weddings... Always fills your heart with the warm and fuzzies. Enjoy!

  26. Christine - it was ;)

    Rebeccah - hasn't it? SO HOT!

    Heather - I was v. happy for him too!

    Miss Tutti - they do!

  27. Those are all nice things. :) I hope you had a good weekend and your week is starting off well.

  28. huzzah!!
    happy for your hometown win!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)