
Wednesday, 24 July 2013

What's Up Wednesday - 24 July

It's Wednesday! And that means What's Up Wednesday, with the Ready Set Write Check in. Do check out the link for more information.

How are we all doing? How was your week?

What I'm Reading:
Actually just got Leigh Ann Kopans "One" which I look forward to, as superheroes are definitely my thing!

What I'm Writing:
I achieved my five chapters close edit! Hurrah! It is SO much slower than a big picture edit though isn't it? And I only achieved that as I didn't have many plans on this weekend. So let's try for five again and see how I go... it would be great in a few weeks to be able to set it aside! So that's my Ready Set Write longer aim: 3 weeks to setting it aside?!

What Inspires Me Right Now:
This week, nothing specific inspires me, except perhaps having had that quiet weekend. A weekend without work, or busy plans meant I was able to spend time on my edits, and also with myself, if that makes any sense. (And with the boyfriend too!)

What Else I'm Up To:
Being HOT! ;)

That's hot as in 'it's hot outside' btw, not 'I've got tickets on myself hot'.

What are you up to?


  1. I am HOT too. I am melting in fact :P Congrats on your edit done and good luck for next week!!!! :D

  2. You can do five chapters again. And yes, we are hot here as well. I try not to go outside.

  3. We're waterlogged in Cleveland, OH. Good luck on your three-week goal. I'm finding it hard to immerse myself in creating the rough draft to my WIP. Summer has too many distractions! :-)

  4. It's hot everywhere right now! I enjoy my AC. :)

    I'm reading SEA OF TRANQUILITY right now, and started a new MS while I query CATCH ME WHEN I FALL. Attending a writing conference this weekend, as well!

  5. I'm reading Goose Girl. Congrats on your five chapters and cheers to quiet productive weekends.

  6. It has been rather hot, hasn't it? I bet the ice cream shops are very happy ;)


    Have an awesome (slightly cooler) week!

  7. I hear you about the heat. Its hot down in Florida too. Oh, and humid, so humid! I actually like it though... I might not if I didn't have AC. Congrats on making your goals and good luck on your new ones.

  8. I have not heard the I've got tickets on myself expression before! LOL I was lucky it was mild in Georgia last week when I was there. I don't do well with HOT.

  9. Congrats on finishing those close edits! That's definitely tougher than big picture edits. Hope your week cools down a bit! :)

  10. Awesome job finishing your edits... What a fantastic feeling! Here's hoping you're able to cool down a bit soon!

  11. Elodie2 - I am melting TOO. A bit of rain would be good!

    Alex - inside is GOOD!

    Kim V- summer has far too many distractions you are right!

    Vicki - how exciting that you have started something new!

    Sheena-kay - ooh Goose Girl, I haven't heard of it!?

    Miss Cole - a bit tooo hot for me!: )

    Sarah - heh I wish I had AC at times like this! :) Not enough need generally for it here though!

    Stephsco- 'tickets on myself' must be a British-ism! :)

    Jaime - thank you, I long for some cool myself!

    Katy - thank you ;)

  12. What I wouldn't give for a quiet weekend! Good luck with your edits. I'm sending big thoughts of success your way right now.

    And I'm up and running for Celebrate The Small Things.

  13. Stephen - thank you, I appreciate that.

    Oooh hurrah to joining in Celebrate, did you re sign on the list?!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)