
Friday, 2 August 2013

Celebrate The Small Things - 2 August

Goodness me, it's AUGUST already. How did that happen? Time to Celebrate The Small Things again!

The point of this weekly post is this: post small events/happenings/thoughts/observations from the week you'd like to celebrate. They can be anything, from enjoying being caught in a storm to that welcome cup of tea to finishing that chapter. Sign up on the linky, and hop around and celebrate with others!

My Celebrations for the week:

  • Working from home in the quiet still of an empty house, with rain pattering the window outside.
  • Catching up with old friends and having a giggle.
  • Keeping up with my exercise - four gym trips this week.
  • Cracking on with my edits.
  • Receiving awards OMG how lovely from Brandy and Tara Tyler. They are SO appreciated!

What are you celebrating?

Here's the linky list:


  1. A quiet house for writing, sounds lovely and productive. I too am still celebrating friendship. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. It's funny how restful the rain is against the windows. Good luck with the continuing edits as you giggle with your friends - the nicest possible weekend!

  3. Pattering rain is one of the absolute best sounds, and brilliant for writing! Good job on the edits, and the gym trips!

  4. I also enjoy writing when it's raining, and a quiet house is a must. Giggling with friends is priceless. Have a nice weekend.

  5. Good stuff on the gym visits! Now enjoy that empty house.

  6. I love rainy days, especially when I can use them to read or write. Great atmosphere! Nice to hear that your edits are coming along well. Have a great weekend! :-)

  7. Wow, four gym trips, well done! I've been catching up with old friends too, it's always something to celebrate :)

  8. Love the rain outside the of the best and easiest ways to soothe the soul sometimes...Congrats on your awards! And have a wonderful weekend, Vik:)

  9. Rainy days are perfect for writing! Congrats on the gym visits and the blog awards!

  10. Congratulations on your blog awards, editing and gym trips! Great job. Happy weekend.

  11. That first one sounds SO lovely!

    Congrats on the editing, gym (4 times! Wow!) and your awards. Yay for you!!

  12. Congrats on the awards, going to the gym, edits and a peaceful home.

  13. Nothing better than staying home on a rainy day!

    Congrats on keeping up with your exercise and getting to spend time with friends.

    Have a good weekend! :)

  14. With the rain pattering, I'm surprised you weren't sleeping instead of working.

  15. I miss rain :( If it wasn't for, I think I'd forget the sound of it. Congrats on getting it all done: edits, gym, socializing, you deserve an award!

  16. Oh, you have rain! I can't remember what that's like!

    Here's to another week of wonderful small things to celebrate.

  17. It's been rainy and cool here, too, so I'm celebrating with you:)

  18. I am celebrating the rain with you :)

  19. When I was little we had an outdoor swimming pool in our town. It was open from spring to autumn, rain or shine, and on those summer days when it was hot but wet it was oddly therapeutic to swim through the warm rain.

  20. What lovely accomplishments - fun times with friends, four trips to the gym (OMG!!), and getting edits done. Yay! And congrats on the awards. It's nice to know you're appreciated. :-)

  21. Quiet rainy days when you're inside and warm are great! Nice celebrations you have. :) Writer’s Mark

  22. Suzanne - have a lovely weekend yourself too! :)

    Diana - yes a very pleasant weekend all in all!

    Mere - it will be a struggle to keep up the gym trips!

    Cathrina - a quiet house is so welcome.

    Alex - thanks, now to keep up the gym going!

    Jaime - lovely atmosphere of quiet rain!

    Laura - it's lovely to see old friends!

    M. J. - happy weekend to you too!

    Sarah - thank you, the awards are v. nice to receive.

    Deanie - thank you! Happy weekend to you.

    Beverly - it was v. lovely!

    Sheena-kay - I don't know quite how the gym going happened!

    Lara - it is lovely to stay in on a rainy day

    Nana - oh gosh yes it is very restful!

    Scribbles From Jenn- rain can be v. welcome!

    cleemckenziebooks - here's to another week

    Ink in the Book- it is nice to have a bit of rainy cool.

    Bames - hurrah to the rain

    Julia - gosh swimming outside through warm rain does sound lovely

    Lexa - it is very lovely to be given awards!

    Nancy - quiet rainy days are lovely.

  23. The first celebration on your list sounds lovely! Cheers to you!

  24. Wowzers, 4 gym trips in a week! I struggle with 3, and it normally ends up being 1 or 2!! But yay :D

  25. Yay for the awards, and I echo you on the August thing. The year's too young to have hit August already. It may as well be Christmas again tomorrow!

  26. i love a good giggle session!
    and you deserve the awards, sweetie!

  27. You've been quite productive! Hope you are having a great week!


  28. Hope you have a great weekend and week full of celebrations!

  29. Viklit, I nominated you for a blogging award. Please stop by to find out more.

  30. Brandy - thank you!

    Rebeccah - it's a struggle to keep it up!

    Crystal - it so WILL be Christmas tomorrow!

    Tara - bless you, HUG

    theartistrycollective - thank you, you too!

    Deanie - thank you, and thanks for the nomination!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)