
Monday, 2 September 2013

Tara Tyler Blog Tour: Pop Travel!

Today I'm really excited to be hosting my good friend Tara Tyler as part of her Pop Travel blog tour. Handing over to Tara!

I'm so happy to be visiting Vikki today. We've both been pretty busy lately and need to catch up with each other! Thanks, sweet friend, for letting me come over and talk about future technology for my Pop Travel blog tour.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: If necessity is the Mother of invention, laziness is the Father.

We don't really need more technology. What we need is a cure for cancer! I wish all these techies who keep upgrading us could put their genius brains to work in that field.

But, being the insatiable techies they are, they will keep getting ideas for newer, better, faster stuff. (and mostly from us sci fi writers!)

In Pop Travel, I have lots of cool future gadgets. Pop travel itself, is teleportation, created by Hasan Rakhi, a quirky bio-medical engineering student who first invented the bio-gen laser. Then, there's the QV – like a smart phone that projects 3D images from a wristband. Some other items from the future include:

  • the electrogun – delivering varying intensities of electric shock, like a wireless Tazer gun
  • receptionist and civil servant androids that look more like humans all the time, but are annoyingly friendly, like customer service prompts, go ahead and tell me what you need… why can't I talk to a person!
  • hovercarts – golf carts that hover, hover technology is still too expensive for cars
  • and of course, everything is voice and/or touch activated

I came across this surprising new discovery in my research for Simulation the next book in The Cooper Files – Adventures in the Future series

blood battery - Panasonic is looking into using human blood to power electrical devices. It's researching how blood could break down sugars to generate power like it generates energy for the human body. This type of "human battery" could ultimately power nano-devices implanted in the body. (source)

And I found more exciting ideas being researched here.
Lucid, dude! (future slang for cool)

What inventions would you like to see come to life in the future?

Thanks again, Vikki, for having me! Here is a little about me and my book =)

Cooper thought he could get through
life without having to pop...
Pop Travel by Tara Tyler
A tale of deception and teleportation.

When a distraught client enters J.L. Cooper's small town detective agency ranting about a pop travel teleportation cover up, Cooper takes the case. He blames pop travel indirectly for his wife's death and would love to expose a glitch in it.

But the glitch turns out to be disintegrating travelers. And now, his client is dead, his secretary is missing, and a hitman is stalking him. Plus there's all the webcams watching his every move. So, Cooper has to find a way to expose the deadly flaw, while using pop travel to escape the maniacs covering it up, not to mention save a couple of tag-alongs he's not sure he can trust. No problem.

Available now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble
Goodreads  <==>  Trailer  <==>  FB Author Page
After having a hand in everything from waitressing to teaching math to rocket engineering Tara Tyler now writes and teaches in Ohio with her three active boys and Coach Husband. In addition to her novels, she has published short stories and poetry in Science Fiction, Fantasy, Thriller, and Humor. So many stories to tell!

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  1. I often think it's quite scary where technology will end up! It takes me ages to learn how to use something and then they go and update stuff.

  2. A safe version of Pop Travel. Technology is both a gift and curse.

  3. Funny you should mention a voice activated world. I noticed my girl lives in one already; given the choice, she always speaks instead of typing. It's a different world from where I come from.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. I think technology will take us to places we never thought possible. I'd like to see things powered just by us moving around. Or even lazier, just by our heartbeats.

  5. Hi Vikki and Tara .. I'd love them to be able to programme baddies into goodies and then we could all live harmoniously or relatively so without worrying about major human catastrophes ...

    Life is changing very fast - and it's interesting .. though must be daunting to many. There's lots of innovation going on in the background - way more than we think ... and as you so right say some of it comes from Sci-Fi minds ...

    Cheers and enjoy London! Hilary

  6. I think the teleportation would be the coolest, provided it always works. Otherwise, a machine to change the flavor of disgusting but healthy foods into tasty treats. That'd be cool. (Just the flavor though, want to keep it all healthy.) :)

  7. Suzanne - yes it moves so fast these days doesn't it!

    Sheena-kay Graham- you are absolutely right.

    Scribbles From Jenn - that's so interesting! It is a different world already isn't it.

    Christine Rains - ooh by our heartbeats? Crikey ;) That'd be interesting.

    Hilary Melton-Butcher - agreed the pace of change must be daunting to many!

    Suzi - I'd love teleportation. And if you can make cauliflower taste like chocolate that'd be fine with me ;)

  8. Great post. Would love some super powers instead of techie thingies!


  9. Love the thoughts on future gadgets!
    Suzanne - faster, faster! (i don't like upgrades...)
    Sheena - good & bad comes with all!
    Jenn - ya know, i speak-text a lot too, but have to go real slow so it understands =)
    Christine - we are batteries, are we not? ha ha
    Hilary - sweetie! yes, change is inevitable!
    Suzi - that'd be a great trick!
    Nas - with great power comes great responsibility! ha!

    Vik - thanks again for being such a great hostess! will pop to see you someday, i promise!!

  10. Nas - I would love super powers too!

    Tara - lovely to have you! :)


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)