
Friday, 1 November 2013

Celebrate The Small Things - 1 November

Greetings and Salutations 
(movie that's from anyone? ;)) 

How are we all as we hit NOVEMBER? Time to celebrate small again! The rules of Celebrate The Small Things are simple: sign up on the linky, post your celebrations, and hop around and celebrate with others.

Do you see the rules there: SIGN UP ON THE LINKY. Guess who hasn't signed up on the linky (until now?). Yes that's right: ME!!! Ha ha ha! I wasn't on it! I guess because I 'host' it I thought I didn't need to, or it hadn't occurred to me to. For TEN MONTHS. That's a *facepalm* moment.

So I have signed up now. :)

My celebrations for this week are:

  • We had the clocks 'Fall Back' and an extra hour in bed, YAY!
  • I am becoming a godmother to a friend's son - Christening is this weekend. I am quite excited and honoured to have a godson. And star in 'THE GODMOTHER' :)
  • Made it to the gym three times this week - not too bad!
  • Seeing a good friend for yummy Thai - YAY!

How about you?

Here's the linky... with me on it this time!


  1. Haha glad to see you signed up on the Linky! A godmother is a great honour, I have two godchildren myself. Enjoy the christening and the Tai meal.

  2. I had to laugh that you were not on the list. Congrats on your godson. I had lots to celebrate this week too.

    Rhonda, celebrating at Laugh-Quotes

  3. Congrats on becoming a godmother! That's absolutely fantastic!

  4. Yay for making it to the gym three times ;)

    Congratulations on becoming a godmother, that is awesome!

  5. Congratulations on becoming a godmother, and for getting to the gym three times!
    That extra hour in bed on Sunday was lovely!

  6. I can always go for Thai food!
    We don't fall back for another couple weeks...

  7. Tomorrow night I get my hour back! I've already used it.

  8. Congrats on being a godmother! I can't believe I forgot about "fall back." Love that extra hour.

  9. We fall back this weekend...congrats on becoming a Godmother! That's wonderful news

  10. It's kinda funny about not signing up on your own Linky. But I'll be doing a blogfest in Dec and I'd never thought about it ... now I know to put my own name in there! Congrats on being a Godmother and on the gym visits! Thai food sounds great - send me the doggie bag!

    Forgive me for not doing a CTST post recently. I'm a bit tied up with releasing my cover and book from Oct through Dec. I'll be doing a CTST post the week after IWSG, around Nov 14th -- so please don't take me off the Linky!!!

  11. We get our extra hour this weekend--I'm quite excited about it!

    Congrats on your gym habits, and your new role as Godmother! :)

  12. So happy you get to be a Godmother. That's very special for you and it will be fun.
    We'll all appreciate the extra hour of sleep tomorrow night ) Happy weekend.

  13. Suzanne - the Thai was lovely thanks, and I look forward to the Christening tomorrow!

    Rhonda - it was a *facepalm* moment.

    Beverly Fox- thank you!

    S.K. Anthony - hurrah to the gym!

    Laura - wasn't it? I love extra sleep!

    Alex J. Cavanaugh - Thai is yummy!

    cleemckenziebooks - the extra hour is great!

    Julie Flanders - thanks for the congrats!

    Mere Joyce - yes I am excited!

    Lexa Cain- you know, I didn't think about it. And most people are kind enough to link to my blog and ref me, so I never thought about it. But then I figured, maybe I should be on it!! Of course I won't take you off ;)

    Lara Lacombe - thank you!

    Deanie Humphrys-Dunne - thank you, I am looking forward to the christening.

  14. Sorry, I wrote todays post and forgot all about Celebrating. :( I'm visiting a few of the hoppers anyway. Poop! Today, badge o no badge, I'm celevbrating Poe poll results! :D X

  15. Congrats on your great news. One extra hour of sleep is always welcome! :-)

  16. I wish I could get an extra hour's sleep, but I'll have to wait until March for that... Congrats on becoming a godmother! That is exciting.

  17. That's so neat you get to be a Godmother! I'm very glad you mentioned you hadn't signed up. Every week, I thought I was nuts when I couldn't find your link - either that or my eyes were playing tricks on me. You have no idea how relieved I am right now. Glad to see your name on the list :) Sounds like you've had a wonderful week!

  18. yay for fall back! didnt know if you all did that over there. its lovely, isnt it!?

    and a godmother! special!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)