
Friday, 22 November 2013

Celebrate the Small Things - 22 November

Greetings all and time to Celebrate The Small Things! It is that time of the week when we celebrate what's been happening in our lives, however big or small.

The rules are so simple they are barely rules: Just sign up and celebrate! It's nice to have a wee hop and celebrate with others too.

I have had one of those grumpy weeks where nothing seems to go right, but where I should absolutely celebrate that I'm lucky enough that stressful meetings and late trains and mild bouts of insomnia are the worst of my troubles. So that's what I'm celebrating!

How about you?


  1. Sometimes in the grand scheme of things, it's really not so bad, right?

  2. I hope your weekend is better than your week has been, but it's great that you are able to put things in perspective and realize that even those annoying little bits are not all that bad!

  3. Sometimes I have to remind myself that things could be a lot worse. Have a great weekend :)

  4. Hope the weekend goes more smoothly for you but you are so right, we need to remember life could be much worse.

  5. Well hey, if you're going to celebrate that, why not do it with cheese? Here's sending you some "happy vibes" virtual cheddar.

  6. Weeks like this make me want to stay home and cuddle under a blanket and drink hot chocolate while I read my favorite book. I hope your weekend is better!

  7. I'm celebrating a day of life and beautiful surroundings. The weather has cooled, but isn't cold, making it wonderful to sit outside and write.

    M.L. Swift, Writer

  8. Being thankful despite the bad is a great thing to celebrate.

  9. Sorry that late train day didn't lead to a chance meeting with a friend. But as you mentioned, things could be worse, so celebrating what is crappy, but not intolerable is a good thing. Have a better week next week.

  10. Plus you can celebrate your successful blog hop! Sorry it wasn't a great week, you can also celebrate that it's over.

  11. Now you can celebrate that it's the weekend!

  12. Sorry you had a rough week, but at least it's now the weekend!

  13. Alex J. Cavanaugh - indeed!

    Mere Joyce - I'm trying to keep the perspective ;)

    Laura - thanks!

    Suzanne Furness - it's trying to keep the perspective that's not always easy.

    Crystal Collier - I LOVE CHEESE! Thank you!

    Ink in the Book - gosh I agree!

    M.L. Swift - how lovely to be able to sit outside and write.

    Sheena-kay Graham - thank you!

    Nana Prah - thanks, let's hope so!

    Rhonda Albom - indeed, it cheers me up every friday!

    Melanie Schulz - I am ! :)

    Lara Lacombe - HURRAH!

  14. I'm sorry to hear about your rotten week- we've all been there! Here's hoping your weekend is filled with far more pleasant things like fluffy socks and couch snuggles!

  15. Sounds like a real grumpy week. I hope next week is better!

  16. Sorry you had a rough week. As you implied, they sure do make us appreciate the good weeks though. Here's to a wonderful Thanksgiving week for you!

  17. So I'm not the only one who sometimes has nothing to report. Here's hoping the coming week is better.

  18. I hope this week is kinder to you!

  19. Isn't that the truth? No matter how annoying things are, they could be so much worse, so we all have to appreciate what we have. I hope this week isn't so aggravating. :-)

  20. Beverly Fox - thank you, this week was better!

    Cathrina Constantine - it was a bit but this week was better ;)

    M. J. Joachim - thank you!

    Julia- thank you!

    Kelley - thank you!

    Lexa Cain - ;) it was good thanks!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)