
Friday, 8 November 2013

Celebrate the Small Things: 8 November

Greetings all and Happy Friday to you!

We are here to Celebrate The Small Things where the aim is simple: Celebrate whatever happenings of the week you would like, however big or small! Sign up on the linky, and celebrate with others on the linky!

My celebrations are:

  • I officially completed 'Couch to 5k' and ran 5km! Okay I had to use the 5 min warm up as well as the 30 min run, but I'm calling that a win!
  • I have a new gym programme from my gym instructor to help keep up my stamina.
  • I have handed over a difficult project at work to a colleague, which is a relief for me.
  • Something went wrong with dinner and I served my boyfriend COLD PEAS but we had a good laugh about it. I have a record in things going wrong with dinner. It's not as bad as the COLD POTATO incident.
  • It's FRIDAY. Nearly the weekend folks!

How about you and your celebrations?

Here is the linky:


  1. 5K is awesome. Cold peas aren't so bad. Great to get rid of a difficult project and had a wonderful weekend, Vikki.

  2. Congratulations on your 5k, and for getting rid of the difficult project. Have a great weekend!

  3. I'd call that a big win!
    Did he eat the cold peas?

  4. I have to complete in a 5k in Dec. It's not my first but it will be the first that I HAVE to run all the way through and I'm not thrilled about it. However my trainer is just over the moon about torturing me. Congrats!!

  5. Wow, congratulations on the 5k!! I tried that Couch to program a few years ago and totally wimped out on it LOL. Kudos to you! :)

  6. Sometimes getting out from under it really helps. Glad you could hand that project off to your colleague. Dinner woes - something we all can relate to, I'm sure. And the weekend, bring it on...please and thank you with a cherry on top!

  7. Congrats on your 5K - that's great!!! Way to Go!
    And handing off a project is good.
    I don't try to impress my hubs with dinner anymore - I have a tendency to cook worse when I'm trying to impress - once I cooked a turkey upside down (don't even know how I did that), and another time I had a stove top fire going. So, I just try to cook "normal" and not worry about anything super special.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Congrats on your 5k! I'm totally intrigued by your cold peas and the cold potato incident =3 Have a great weekend!

  9. Sounds like a great week, made only funnier with cold peas. 5k is pretty impressive. Congrats.

  10. I was doing a few 5k's a week the first half of the year, then got sidetrack with book stress. I have to get back to it, I'm so glad you completed your first! Have fun with the new Gym routine.
    And good for you celebrating the cold peas :P

  11. Just received an email from #65 on list - catholic struggles. He's having some health problems right now and isn't able to participate. He'd like his blog removed from the list please.

  12. Congrats on the 5K--that's a great accomplishment! :) Enjoy your weekend!

  13. So awesome about the 5k. Congrats - you should be so proud! Cold peas are the least of my hubby's worries. I like to experiment, and I have more than my share of stories about cooking and "A series of unfortunate events..." as I preface explanations to hubby. lol

    1. As in: "A series of unfortunate events began when I put the danish under the oven grill to heat them up, resulting in a fire..." or ""A series of unfortunate events occurred when I thought I could substitute tomato paste for tomato sauce." (Turns out, you can't.)

  14. Congrats on your couch to 5K run. That is awesome.

  15. Cathrina Constantine - thank you, I was glad to get rid of that project ;)

    Laura - thank you, hope you had a good weekend too!

    Alex J. Cavanaugh - he ate a few of the cold peas ;)

    Dani - oh good luck with the 5k!

    Julie Flanders - thank you I was happy to get to the end I'll admit!

    M. J. Joachim - yes the weekend is here GOOD! :)

    Tyrean Martinson - heh, I am happy just to achieve normal cooking ;)

    Mere Joyce -heh, I have had bad cookery timing shall we say ;)

    Rhonda Albom - thank you!

    S.K. Anthony - you were good doing a FEW 5ks! I was glad to do one ;)

    M. J. Joachim - I have removed him, thanks for letting me know.

    Lara Lacombe - thank you!

    Lexa Cain - ah ha ha ha I love it! I should do that 'a series of unfortunate events led to me mistiming everything so now you have cold peas' ha ha :) LOVE IT

    Nana Prah - thank you!

  16. *woot*woot* 5k is terrific! I'm awed
    And cold peas are definitely better than cold potatoes - one could even claim it's a healthier way to eat them. ;)

  17. So proud of you for doing the 5K! Go you! And cold peas aren't so bad. Think of it as an unusual salad....

  18. Cold peas? That's nothing. I'll leave you to guess the difficulties we've been having with our crop of Jerusalem (f)artichokes.

  19. Awesome job on 5k!!!
    I've served cold stuff that was supposed to be hot, too. LOL

  20. oh I really need to work on a gym routine too, you are my inspiration! Hugs and have a wonderful week, dear one!

  21. Yay for you on all your small things. Some aren't small at all. That 5K and the routine at the gym are darned BIG! :-)

  22. Wow! You are so ambitious. Must be organized , too. Your small things seem really big to me. The story of my life.

  23. You had to mention the GYM! I have played hooky all week claiming it is too dark to get up at six. So, I am going to re-read your celebration for a shot in the arm. Meantime, thanks for the kick to--somewhere else. It's amazing how all these celebrations tend to inspire in many different ways. Thank you for this blog!

  24. T. Drecker - thanks, I was pleased!

    Kate Larkindale - ha, yes an unusual salad!

    Julia - I can guess!

    Jackie - it's easy done!

    Claudia H. Blanton = thanks, yo utoo!

    cleemckenziebooks = ha, I will never achieve the 5k again!

    Marilyn Parel - I try and be organised but don't always succeed!

    Inge H. Borg - thank you for joining in!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)