
Friday, 6 December 2013

Celebrate The Small Things - 6 Dec

I am very disappointed that I missed "Insecure Writers Support Group" this week. My work has been so crazy busy - roll on Christmas break!

I am squeezing in a Small Celebration however as we Celebrate The Small Things ;) The rules are simple: Celebrate, sign up on the linky, Celebrate with others! :)

This week I am celebrating:

  • The start of Christmas meet ups with friends
  • Critique partners who swing into action when you need help/advice
  • That it isn't many weeks until I get some days off over christmas

Also, we are nearing ONE YEAR of CELEBRATE THE SMALL THINGS. I will be extending the linky for another year, if people are up for carrying on? However over my Christmas break I am going to absolutely prune it, so if people haven't joined in recently I'll be cutting it way back.

Here's the linky:


  1. I too am counting the days until the Christmas break. Only two weeks to go!

  2. Yay for time off and cool critique partners. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Please don't prune yet. It took me a while to find you. I enjoy it. Others might also.
    Yes, I need that break too.

  4. I am actually really looking forward to Christmas this year instead of just being in a complete panic. Will definitely be getting my Christmas shopping done early ever year now so much nicer :)

  5. Finally, I am up early enough to catch up with you. Reason: Can't stay in bed waiting for our nasty ice storm to fell some trees around me (sure hope not). Yes, Christmas will be upon us before we know it; glad I no longer participate in the madness--just the eggnog, peace and quiet. Meantime, have a great weekend.

  6. Yay for time off and Christmas! Definitely worth celebrating, =)

  7. No worries you missed the IWSG.
    Happy pruning! Been doing that with the IWSG this week...

  8. Oy, life is too crazy to even think about Christmas yet! Too much going on!
    But meetings with friends are always wonderful, no matter what the occasion. Happy Friday!

  9. I'm definitely up for carrying on, I love this meme :)

  10. Love critique partners who swing into action. I need some of those.

  11. Days off are wonderful!!! I need some more of them.

  12. Critique partners are worth celebrating! (Well, if they are good ones lol) Have a great weekend ;)

  13. Hi, I'm glad you're extending the blog hop, as I entered it only today! I understand completely how much you're looking forward to Christmas, for time off from work. Been there, done that, for years and years. Being able to own our time is the most valuable thing we could ever own. Working full time buys us the freedom to retire, eventually!!

  14. Reliable critique partners are awesome. Friends are just as good.

  15. I'm counting the days until Christmas vacation too. So looking forward to it!

    Enjoy your weekend, Vikki!

  16. Let's keep going. It's sometimes a struggle to find something to feel good about, so it's an excellent discipline.

  17. I hope your Christmas break is lovely, VikLit. I think you should keep your site going. It's fun to celebrate little things and bigger ones. I think it makes us more cheerful, especially if we're stressing out about something. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  18. Love those critique partners. Where would we be without them?

  19. Heather - Can't wait!

    Sheena-kay Graham - thank you, you too!

    Marilyn Parel - glad you enjoy it! I'll leave it a few weeks before I prune ;)

    joss - yes it's great to have the shopping done!

    Inge H. Borg- hope you are okay in the ice storm!

    Mere Joyce - indeed ;)

    Alex J. Cavanaugh - I'll be there in Jan!

    Beverly Fox - meeting friends is great!

    Laura - oh great ;)

    Cathrina Constantine -critique partners are worth their weight in gold!

    Tyrean Martinson - hope you get some soon!

    S.K. Anthony - thank you!

    Cathy - welcome and thanks for joining in!

    Nana Prah - both are great!

    Julie Flanders - thank you!

    Julia - great, glad you want to join in, thank you!

    Deanie Humphrys-Dunne - great, thank you, will carry on for a bit!

    cleemckenzie - lost, I tell you!

  20. I am willing to continue (I just got internet back!!). This keeps me centered. Thank you for doing it!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)