
Friday, 14 March 2014

Celebrate The Small Things: 14 March

Greetings and here we are, Celebrating Small Things ;)

The purpose is simple: Post Celebrations in your blog for the events of the week, as large or small as you please - celebrate that nice cuppa tea! Then sign up on the linky, and visit others and celebrate with them :)

I have had such a busy week that last week: I FORGOT THE LINKY in my haste to get the post up! 

My work is so so busy at the moment I don't have much spare time, so apologies if I didn't visit you last week, and indeed, may not visit you over the next couple of weeks. Forgive me! I'll get life back to normal again sometime and I hope you'll bear with me.

In the meantime I am celebrating:

  • HAVING A FEW DAYS OFF next week. I need it for my sanity. (I'll pre schedule the celebratory post next week).
  • My boyfriend running me a relaxing bath after a long stressful day.
  • Did I mention actual days off? (Let's not think that I have to then do all the work I missed when I get back. Nope. Not thinking about that. La la la la I can't hear you.)

Here's the linky this time I hope:


  1. Where did you find such a wonderful boyfriend? Enjoy your days off and have a great weekend.

  2. Yay for days off and relaxing baths! Don't think about the stuff you'll have to do when you get back...just enjoy the time away from it all, =)

  3. Sounds like you will need some detoxing during those down days next week!

  4. I love actual days off. I have a vacation coming up soon, and right now I'm scrambling to get things done so I won't have to worry or deal with them when I am vacation. Enjoy your time off.

  5. Days off sounds amazing, but then so does that bath. I agree with Mere Joyce, just don't think about all the work during your break--no reason to ruin it :)

  6. Lol, Im away for ten days from Wednesday too and I'm also ignoring the glaring issue (that shall not e discussed here) of returning to more work!

    Have a fun time off!

  7. Don't let those days off go by too quickly. Your boyfriend sounds like prince.

  8. Days off are really cool! Hope work settles down and those days off make things much easier when you get back.

    MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
    Lots of Crochet Stitches

  9. There's nothing better than a nice hot bath after a long day at work. I'm in the middle of some days off right now, they really are the best, especially when you've waited a long time for them. Have a good time off! :)

  10. I am retired and I still like my "days off." But not today. Today, I am playing with my new toy - no, not a puppy nor a handsome man! - it's my new non-cranky computer that'll let me visit all these great blogs - finally - without having seizures.
    'til we CELEBRATE again!

  11. Being busy is a blessing :) but hope you get the rest you need and accomplish all you are trying to do.

  12. Cathrina Constantine- thank you! & I am v. lucky.

    Mere Joyce - yes I'll try not to think about it!

    Alex J. Cavanaugh - relaxing I think is in order!

    M.J. Fifield - ah sometimes it's so busy before a holiday isn't it!

    T. Drecker - I'll try not to!

    Shah Wharton- we'll just pretend that isn't the case! You too!

    Suzanne Furness -thank you!

    Nana Prah - I am v. lucky!

    M. J. Joachim - gosh so do I :)

    Lara Lacombe - thank you!

    Laura Clipson - they so are!

    Inge H. Borg - ooh congrats to new computer! :)

    Sharon Himsl - that is true.

  13. Hi, congratulations on your days off. I hope you enjoy them. I used to love those days too. Now, with disability, I get lots of days off. I enjoy reading your celebrations every week. :)

  14. Enjoy your days off! I've got three weeks to go and then I'm off for two and a half weeks. Not that I'm counting or anything ... ;-)

  15. Love the idea of celebrating the little stuff...count me in!

    Enjoy your time off!

  16. That bath sounds wonderful--soothing and so stress reducing. A great thing to celebrate.

  17. Mary - thank you for commenting.
    Heather - my days off went too fast!! Roll on yours ;)
    Vicki - thank you for celebrating!
    CLee - it was ;)


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)