
Friday, 4 April 2014

Celebrate the Small Things: 4 April 2014

Greetings everyone!

Time to Celebrate the Small Things again. The aim is simple: to post small things you are celebrating, whatever they may be, and celebrate and hop around with others.

I am celebrating: 

  • a not too busy weekend when for once, I am hoping to do some writing.
  • The writing community, for helpful thoughts on my IWSG post, which I really needed.
  • Chocolate.

How about you?

Here's the linky:


  1. Chocolate! Oh and I'm glad you got support and good luck with having a writer's weekend.

  2. Yay, chocolate! Glad you finally got a little more relaxation time. And glad to hear the IWSG helped out. It's an amazing group.

  3. Chocolate and a support group of fellow writers sounds wonderful. Hope you enjoy your reading, and happy writing as well!

  4. Hope you get a lot written this weekend.

  5. Yay for writing! I hope you get lots done :D

  6. Mmm chocolate. Good luck with your writing!

  7. I'm reading this on Monday - so did you get much writing done over the weekend? I'm sure you did. ;)

  8. Hi, just saying 'hi'. Please don't drop me from the list. A-Z is pretty overwhelming right now for a lot of us. (Chocolate works for me too :)

  9. Sheena-kay Graham - did get some writing done this weekend! :)

    T. Drecker - yay chocolate indeed!

    Mere Joyce - thank you, got a bit done!

    Alex J. Cavanaugh - got some done! :)

    S.K. Anthony - thank you!

    Laura Clipson - yum to chocolate!

    Julia - I did get some done yes thanks! :)

    Sharon Himsl - I know A-Z is overwhelming, no worries!

  10. Chocolate always wins! Glad you had a better week, this week!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)