
Friday, 2 May 2014

Celebrate The Small Things - 2nd May

Hello everyone and how have we got to MAY? Can anybody tell me, hmm? It's a mystery!

We are ready to celebrate small again hurrah! How-it-works is simple: post celebrations from the week, however small - that nice cup of tea, a friendly word with a stranger, fun post - sign up on the linky, and celebrate with others!

Apologies I didn't make it round everyone's blogs last week. I am finding it hard life/work wise to have as much blogging time as I'd like, but I DO appreciate everybody joining in. I may not make it round every week but I will as much as I can. I do hope everybody doesn't mind.

If anybody is interested in 'co-hosting' this and taking it turns to visit everyone or any other co-hosting fun, then let me know!

As for the list, I am going to leave it a couple of weeks for people to catch up post A-Z then do a clean up!

Celebrations for me this week:

- All those amazing people who did every day of A-Z: YOU ROCK
- Chatting to my amazing CPs, picking up a new CP, general CP amazing-ness
- BFs birthday went off well with dinner and present so hurrah
- Three day weekend for me - YAY
- Organising some holiday leave today

How about you?

Here's the linky:


  1. I know, I can't believe it is already May!

    Glad you had a week of CP and BF awesomeness...enjoy your long weekend!

  2. Organizing holiday leave sounds great!

  3. Sounds like a great week, and a three day weekend is even better. Enjoy!

  4. Enjoy your three day weekend! I'm going to take a nap now...

  5. I've been organising holiday leave today too, it's always nice to know we have time off coming up :)

  6. Sounds like you've been really busy, have fun organising that holiday and enjoy the long weekend :)

  7. Hope you have fun this weekend. I'll be thinking of you.

  8. Mere Joyce - thank you, I am looking forward to monday off!

    Cathrina Constantine - I love booking time off :)

    T. Drecker - thank you!

    Alex J. Cavanaugh - enjoy your nap

    Laura Clipson - I love looking forward to time off!

    Suzanne Furness - thank you!

    Deanie Humphrys-Dunne- thank you.

  9. Gotta love those three day weekends.

  10. Pretty scary we are already in May... where has the year gone...:)

  11. Yay for great CPs, a lovely dinner out for BF's birthday, and a three day weekend! Woohoo! Have a great week! :)

  12. I'll check some of these blogs out!

  13. You do a wonderful job with this hop Vik, and I'm sure we all appreciate it. I'm looking forward to getting back to some normal posting after the madness of A-Z!

  14. Time does fly... If you need help, let me know. I can pitch in here and there, now that things have cleared up a little...

  15. Enjoy your 3 day weekend...those are always great, although they usually go too fast!

  16. was looking for an email, but can't seem to find one...let me know if you would like help with the Celebrate bloghop. Since the A to Z, I'm more out of the closet with my comments :)

  17. That three day weekend is good, isn't it? Shame it's almost over... except we do get another one at the end of the month. :-)
    And I have to ask. I know this is going to sound like a stupid question, but what is a CP?

  18. Nana - oh I do! :)

    T.F. Walsh - I have no idea! :)

    Lexa Cain - thank you!

    Stephanie Faris - lovely, thank you!

    Heather Musk - oh thank you Heather. I wish I had more time to visit sometimes!

    Diana Wilder - thank you Diana, that is generous. I may take you up on that - will do this week and then send some mails ;)

    TheCyborgMom - don't they! And oh yes kind of you to offer thank you. Are you signed up on the linky, forgive me if I am being daft and can't find you as I can email you from that...?

    Kirsten - not at all, it's a Critique Partner! :) Those patient souls who read our work!

  19. So sorry I didn't join in on Friday. I've been SO busy recently and I'm ashamed to say my blogging has slipped down my list of priorities. Hope to join back in this week.


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)