
Friday, 25 July 2014

Celebrate The Small Things: 25 July

Hello everyone! It is time to Celebrate The Small Things.

This blog hop is very easy - just post a celebration, however small or big, in your blog. Sign up on the linky, and hop around and celebrate with others.

I am hosting this as usual with my mighty fine co-hosts:

Diana Wilder
LG Keltner @ Writing Off the Edge
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

Please do say hello to them!

Remember to #CTST any celebrations on twitter if you're into that !:)

This week I am celebrating...
  • Sunshine
  • The Commonwealth Games! 
  • Having a few days off soon... ;)
How about all of you? Would love to hear what you are celebrating...

Here's the linky...

Friday, 18 July 2014

Celebrate the Small Things - 18 July edition

It's time to Celebrate The Small Things!

This blog hop is very easy - just post a celebration, however small or big, in your blog. Sign up on the linky, and hop around and celebrate with others.

I am hosting this as usual with my fabulously fine co-hosts:

Diana Wilder
LG Keltner @ Writing Off the Edge
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

Please do greet them and say hello for they are all very lovely!

Remember to #CTST any celebrations on twitter if you're into that !:)

This week I am celebrating...

  • Seeing good friends for lunch
  • Discovering WhatsApp is a good way to chat with my friend in Australia
  • Having some good solid time for revisions!
How about you? Would love to hear about yours?

Here's the linky list:

Friday, 11 July 2014

Celebrate The Small Things: 11 July 2014

Hello everybody - time to Celebrate The Small Things.

This blog hop is very easy - just post a celebration, however small or big, in your blog. Sign up on the linky, and hop around and celebrate with others.

I am hosting this as usual with my fabulously fine co-hosts:

Diana Wilder
LG Keltner @ Writing Off the Edge
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

Do hope and say hi to them :)

Remember to #CTST any celebrations on twitter if you're into that !:)

This week I am celebrating...

  • Going to a friend's book launch
  • Upgrading my phone! I love a new phone.
  • That it is nearly the weekend
How about you? Would love to hear about yours?

Hopefully the linky will appear below this though again I am not seeing it in my preview...

Friday, 4 July 2014

Celebrate The Small Things - 4th July edition

Hello everybody - time to Celebrate The Small Things.

This blog hop is very easy - just post a celebration, however small or big, in your blog. Sign up on the linky, and hop around and celebrate with others.

I am hosting this as usual with my mighty fine co-hosts:

Diana Wilder
LG Keltner @ Writing Off the Edge
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

Please say hello to them as it is VERY nice of them to help me!

Also, now that I have my fine co-hosts on board I am being much more on the ball re the linky list. Please don't be offended if you get 'cut off' :)

Remember to #CTST any celebrations on twitter if you're into that !:)

This week I am celebrating...

  • Wimbledon! Still. As I got to go on Monday and saw Andy Murray win (before he lost, sob). So that was lovely.
  • Weekend off. As I worked the last one (nice though that was to see people).
  • My colleague offering to go to the shop and buy me chocolate ;) It kept me going anyway!
  • Happy July 4th to my American friends!
How about you? Would love to hear about yours?

Hopefully the linky will appear below this (though as I write this, for some reason the preview keeps not showing it. I have zero clue why. Fingers crossed!)

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

IWSG - 2nd July edition

Today I am posting for Insecure Writers Support Group! The sign up for this is HERE & of course the wonderful Alex J Cavanaugh set this up.

I know he has some awesome co hosts this month and I wanted to give them a shout out (as I know how helpful my own co hosts for Celebrate on a Friday are!) They are:

This month I have been thinking about TENACITY. One of my critique partners complimented my TENACITY. It is funny because I think that just comes with being a writer, doesn't it? We have to finish that draft, then edit it and edit some more and more and query and query more and ... well you get the idea. If you weren't tenacious you wouldn't get very far.

It is hard though isn't it because one doesn't want to be the person on X Factor (or whatever - American Idol!) who tenaciously auditions over and over and doesn't realise they are, in fact, tone deaf.

But we have to assume that our kindly critique partners would politely point out what isn't good and not let us go forward until we are ready. & If they are not, if they are complementing our tenacity - maybe that means we're doing something right...

What do you think?