
Friday, 11 July 2014

Celebrate The Small Things: 11 July 2014

Hello everybody - time to Celebrate The Small Things.

This blog hop is very easy - just post a celebration, however small or big, in your blog. Sign up on the linky, and hop around and celebrate with others.

I am hosting this as usual with my fabulously fine co-hosts:

Diana Wilder
LG Keltner @ Writing Off the Edge
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

Do hope and say hi to them :)

Remember to #CTST any celebrations on twitter if you're into that !:)

This week I am celebrating...

  • Going to a friend's book launch
  • Upgrading my phone! I love a new phone.
  • That it is nearly the weekend
How about you? Would love to hear about yours?

Hopefully the linky will appear below this though again I am not seeing it in my preview...


  1. A book launch sounds fun, enjoy your weekend :)

  2. New phone - new gadget! Always fun.

  3. I always feel happy when the Friday comes around. I tend to spend the evening with my boyfriend relaxing, and then there's the weekend to follow. The book launch sounds really interesting.

  4. Have a great weekend. so glad you're enjoying the new phone and I'm sure the book launch will be exciting.

  5. Have fun at your friend's book launch.

  6. A friend's book launch would be so much fun! Enjoy your weekend, and your new phone, =)

  7. Have fun at the launch! And yay for new phone . . . I just cracked my screen, so I'm jealous lol

  8. Have fun playing with your new phone! Enjoy the book launch -- how exciting! -- and have a great weekend!

  9. Yay for a new phone, and a friend's new book release! Have a lovely weekend! :)

  10. Oh, have fun at that book launch! It's great that you can support your friend. :)

  11. It was very lovely to support a friend at her launch :)

    Thanks everyone for commenting ;)

  12. Ooh, always fun getting a shiny new toy!

  13. I still have a "dumb" phone LOL I've been considering upgrading, but just can't justify the expense atm. I only pay $10 a month for my pay-as-you-go phone. Hope you had a great weekend and have a great week ahead Vikki!

  14. Book launches are always fun. Hope you enjoyed.

  15. I love a new phone, and I have only been to one book launch but it was a blast. Always good to be able to get out and support a friend doing what they love.

  16. Thanks everyone. It was indeed lovely to go to the book launch and celebrate my friend's success.

    katie - oooh I love an upgrade but it did of course end up costing me more!!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)