
Friday, 20 March 2015

Celebrate The Small Things - 20 Mar edition

Greetings everyone! Here we are ready to Celebrate The Small Things hosted by the Lovely Lexa Cain!
Thanks so much to Lexa for hosting and carrying on 'CTST'.

To join in the blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Blog, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week. It's that simple ;)

I have missed a couple because work and life has been SO SO busy but let us not dwell on that! Let us celebrate!

Here are my celebrations for this week:

  • Saw a good friend for lunch
  • Sponsored a wee guide dog puppy to help him learn
  • It's my birthday v. soon! YAY CAKE!

Here is the linky so you can celebrate with others:


  1. Have a very happy B day and a good weekend!

  2. Sponsoring a puppy-soon-to-be-guide-dog? Wow! That's something to celebrate - think of the difference to someone's life that you will be a part of.

    ...and happy birthday!

  3. Happy birthday soon! Have a great weekend

  4. Happy Birthday! i"ll bet the puppy was fun. They're so cute and cuddly. Happy weekend.

  5. That's really sweet sponsoring the puppy! Hope you have a lovely birthday and weekend.

    Blow out the candles: i i i i i i i i i (smile)

  6. Happy Birthday!! I hope you spend a wonderful day and get lots of CAKE! lol Guide dogs are so important and work in many areas of service now. You should be very proud to be sponsoring one. I think it's great!

  7. Happy Upcoming Birthday, V!

    I love the guide dog sponsor - what great idea.

  8. Awww.... do you have any puppy pictures?

  9. Happy Birthday, enjoy your cake!

  10. Happy Birthday! And so nice of you to sponsor the dogs!

  11. Nice celebrations. How does the guide dog sponsoring work? Do you just send money or do actually get to meet your puppy?

  12. Great celebrations! Happy early birthday. :) I like the guide dog sponsoring; I'm curious how it works too. Have a great night. Hugs, Eva

  13. Cake is awesome! Happy early birthday, and good luck with the puppy.

  14. My birthday is soon, too! Yay for cake and friends and celebrating even when it's not Friday, =) Happy Birthday!

  15. Happy Happy Guide Dog and Birthday! Just don't let him eat cake ;p


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)