
Friday, 17 April 2015

Celebrate the Small Things: 17 April edition

Hello and here we are ready to Celebrate The Small Things hosted by the Lovely Lexa Cain!
Thanks so much to Lexa for hosting and carrying on 'CTST'.

To join in the blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Blog, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week. 

What could be easier than that?

I apologise for missing a couple, there have been various things going on here. But I could do with focussing on the small things in life. So.

Here are my celebrations for this week:

  • Here is a picture of the wee guide dog puppy I am sponsoring: link here HUDSON isn't he cute!
  • Went for a chair back massage which was nice
  • It is nearly the weekend and I am celebrating a friend's birthday with her

Here is the linky so you can celebrate with others:

Friday, 20 March 2015

Celebrate The Small Things - 20 Mar edition

Greetings everyone! Here we are ready to Celebrate The Small Things hosted by the Lovely Lexa Cain!
Thanks so much to Lexa for hosting and carrying on 'CTST'.

To join in the blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Blog, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week. It's that simple ;)

I have missed a couple because work and life has been SO SO busy but let us not dwell on that! Let us celebrate!

Here are my celebrations for this week:

  • Saw a good friend for lunch
  • Sponsored a wee guide dog puppy to help him learn
  • It's my birthday v. soon! YAY CAKE!

Here is the linky so you can celebrate with others:

Friday, 27 February 2015

Celebrate The Small Things: 27 Feb edition

Hello Hello Hello All! Here we are NEARLY AT MARCH already. Where DOES the time go?

So this is Celebrate The Small Things hosted by the Lovely Lexa Cain!
Thanks so much to Lexa for hosting and carrying on 'CTST'.

To join in the blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Blog, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week. It's that simple ;)

Here are my celebrations for this week:

  • Saw some friends for dinner and a catch up
  • Got a day or two off work next week with no especial plans
  • Going to a wildlife photo exhibition which will be good!

Here is the linky so you can celebrate with others:

Friday, 20 February 2015

Celebrate The Small Things: 20 Feb!

Greetings everyone :)

As you know, Lexa Cain is hosting the blog hop Celebrate The Small Things! Thanks so much to Lexa for hosting and carrying on 'CTST'.

To join in the blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Blog, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week.  It can be about writing or family or school or general life.  It's that simple ;)

Here are my celebrations for this week:

  • Dinner out for Valentine's plus 'Return to the Forbidden Planet' the musical which was fun
  • Boots broke but hey! Excuse for new boots ;)
  • It's nearly the WEEKEND

Here is the linky so you can celebrate with others:

Friday, 13 February 2015

Celebrate The Small Things: 13 Feb edition

Hey everybody!

Lexa Cain is now hosting the blog hop Celebrate The Small Things! Thanks so much to Lexa for hosting and carrying on 'CTST'. I'm very happy to see it live on!

To be part of this blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Blog, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week.  It can be about writing or family or school or general life.  This is the funnest and easiest blog hop ever!

Here are my celebrations for this week:

  • I had Sunday Roast around a friend's house last weekend, yum!
  • Also got some time in with my Godson which is nice, he's wee and cute and it's nice to see him.
  • Seeing the boyfriend for Valentine celebrations, which are really just an excuse to have dinner/go out/etc.

Here is the linky so you can celebrate with others:

Friday, 30 January 2015

Celebrate The Small Things - 30 Jan edition

Hello All! Lexa Cain is now hosting the blog hop Celebrate The Small Things! Thanks so much to Lexa for carrying this on.

To be part of this blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Blog, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week.  It can be about writing or family or school or general life.  This is the funnest and easiest blog hop ever!

Here are my celebrations for this week:

  • Catching up with a friend's news
  • Continuing my 'couch to 5k' runs
  • That runs of TV Shows like The 100 and The Good Wife have started up again yay

Here is the linky so you can celebrate with others:

Friday, 23 January 2015

Celebrate The Small Things: 23rd January

Greetings! Lexa Cain is now hosting the blog hop Celebrate The Small Things!

To be part of this blog hop, all you have to do is put your name on the linky list on Lexa's Blog, and then post every Friday about something you're grateful  for that week.  It can be about writing or family or school or general life.  This is the funnest and easiest blog hop ever!

Here are my celebrations for this week:

  • Saw James McAvoy in a play in London. He himself was Excellent and Very Close and Took his Shirt Off, for those who are interested.
  • Caught up with my friend at the same time
  • Have a weekend to rest hurrah

Here is the linky I hope if it doesn't appear I will have to work out why:

Friday, 9 January 2015

Celebrate the Small Things: CONTINUES

Hi Everyone!

I have good news: LEXA CAIN has kindly offered to continue to host CELEBRATE THE SMALL THINGS.

It will have a new linky/sign up list so do CHECK OUT HER BLOG and sign up anew!

I will retire the old linky to avoid confusion.

If you aren't aware of this, this is a weekly hop where we celebrate the small things in life - or whatever we fancy from the week gone by.

This week I am celebrating Lexa, kindly offering to take over!

Here's the current linky:

Friday, 2 January 2015

Celebrate the Small Things - anyone want to host?

Greetings everyone.

As you may know every Friday for the last TWO YEARS I have Celebrated the Small Things and many of you have variously joined in over that time.

I have loved doing it, I like the weekly habit of thinking of things to celebrate even when frankly, the week feels a bit rubbish or blah or whathaveyou.

Lately however I have been finding it hard to find the time to hop around everyone's posts, or be sure to join in every week and frankly it has only been kept going with the assistance of my lovely co-hosts who I thank MUCHLY: 

Diana Wilder
LG Keltner @ Writing Off the Edge
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

So this is me saying: I am likely retiring this weekly post. If anyone would like to take over hosting it, just drop me a comment and we can email about the list of names etc. Or happy for someone simply to take it over, even if in new guise. However I can't guarantee joining in, though would love to see it continue and join in if I can.

If nobody can, perhaps we can all endeavour simply to celebrate more when we can. I am certainly going to try to Tweet my celebrations every Friday using #CTST as that feels more manageable.

In the meantime: Here's to all of you and your celebrations, thank you for joining in and reminding me there is ALWAYS something worth celebrating.

Here's the linky, for the records.....