
Celebrate The Small Things: Master Post

Welcome to the Celebrate The Small Things master post!

Celebrate The Small Things is a weekly celebration where we celebrate the happenings of the week, however small or large the item in question. It can be writing or non writing related. It might be tidying a sock drawer at last, finishing a tricky edit, or finally getting a child to eat something green - whatever you like!

There aren't many rules, and I am not that strict about them, but this is how it works:

1. Sign up on the linky
2. Post celebrations in your blog each Friday. This doesn't have to be every week but every month or so I will tidy the sign up list and if you haven't posted since my last tidy up, I'll likely remove you.
3. Hop around and celebrate with others. This doesn't have to be the entire list, but if you could try and visit the 5 people before and after you that would be lovely.
4. Feel happy! :)

Here is the sign up list.


  1. What a great idea! I'll be checking this out. :) SD

  2. Yay I'm so excited to have found you (through Ida's page from Reflex Reactions). I will definitely be joining - I love any excuse to be grateful <3

  3. This is a great idea. I often feel like we're encouraged to always think about the things that are outside of our reach rather than to simply show appreciation for the little things that we already have. I can be terrible for always beating myself up for not getting things done instead of celebrating the things that I did actually manage to succeed at.

  4. I've only just seen this post but it sounds like a brilliant idea and I've signed up straight away. It seems a great way to be thankful and remember all the positive things that are happening, as well as being a great way to find other blogs! Thanks!

  5. Thanks all for signing up and joining in :)

  6. I seem to be having a problem with the link for the "celebrate" hop. The master link only goes to the original post of I have been doing a link each week. What am I doing wrong?

    1. Hi Patricia - I suggest we put up a link which is just to your blog in general, and people will see the post as it'll be the latest thing up there each week? Otherwise you end up needing to replace the link each week if you see what I mean - ? I have fixed the list so you are appearing once, but it's probably pointing to last week's post? (Unless you have some sort of Celebrate Tag and we could point to that)?

  7. Ok I will put a link to the blog--not the specific post. So if you will just delete every link I have done before 7/18. Thanks.

  8. Duly deleted if you want to add yourself again ;)

    1. Thank you. Sorry for the mess but glad you could fix it.

  9. Me again...When I click on #57, living a charmed life, it takes me to my Google log in page or my Blogger dashboard. Is this happening when others click on it?! If so can it be deleted?

  10. Apologies Patricia I don't know what happened there - I deleted it just in case. Want to re-enter?


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)