
Monday, 27 August 2012

Celebrate the Small Things? & LINKS TO GOODNESS

I have some links to some AWESOME CONTESTS AND FUN at the bottom of the post but first, a question:

On Friday I did a wee post where I asked what you love about what you wrote this week. I loved reading through the comments, celebrating the working out of a difficult plot point or the start of a query. I love to hear the 'big' achievements, the book deals and the getting an agent. The finishing a draft news. 

But how often do you celebrate the 'smaller' achievements? The working through a knotty plot point or figuring out a character name that's *just so*. I think we should do it more often! (Was my post any help? Should I do another sometime? Do you already celebrate the steps along the way?)


Pitch Madness is taking place - go here for the details - across various blogs including Erica Chapman's which I linked to. The chance to pitch to agents!

Another agent related goodie - Gearing Up to Get an Agent over at Deana Barnhart's blog (in the linky) which is a month of pitch contest fun and opportunities to meet others in the pitching stage!

There's an opportunity to get a critique or phonecall with an agent in the awesome sounding Kiss/KissOffContest running at Bria Quinlan (Team Kiss) and Valerie Cole (Team Kiss Off's) blog. Enter your kiss or kiss off scene, but the rules for each team are different so check them out!

If you are in need of some motivation I highly recommend joining in 
#writemotivation for September - sign up link here at the lovely KT Hanna's blog. Lovely, encouraging bunch of people.

Don't forget WriteClub continues at DL Hammons blog with great pieces every week which astound me with their aceness!

The awesome Alex J Cavanaugh has a genre favourites blogfest coming up Sep 17 - check it out here

There's a Fact or Fiction: What I did Last Summer blogfest which looks lots of fun and has books as prizes, early Sep.

I won't have time to join in all of these but I will some. What links did I miss to fun contests and blogfests?  Link us in the comments!

Let me know if you are joining in any of these and remember my question, do you celebrate your steps along the way or would you like to? How should we do that? :)


  1. I'm not big on celebrating the small steps. Not because I don't want to, I'm just quite hard on myself, and I don't congratulate myself at all until the first draft is done lol!

  2. Well fair enough, hope you celebrate big time once the draft is achieved :)

  3. All kinds of great links, thanks!

    I do celebrate the little things. If you only celebrate the big things, you'll only burn yourself out if they never happen.

    1. No worries on the links ;)

      Yes I agree. Celebrate everything I say!

  4. One of the things I celebrate is when I've been working up to a big scene and I finally finish it (i.e. the big Geoffrey scene at the end of CH (or the Aly one)). Otherwise, a lot of my celebrations are when I finish drafts, but since I usually have a lot of drafts before I have a finished product that amounts to quite a bit of celebration.

    Thanks for the links!

    1. Ah yes good call on celebrating big/difficult scenes (yes I can see why the Geoffrey/Aly scenes would be worth celebrating!).

      No worries on the links!

  5. So much stuff! (And thanks for mentioning my blogfest.)
    I do celebrate the small stuff. Just being able to write a cohesive sentence is a major accomplishment.

    1. So much stuff and no worries, looking forward to your blogfest! :)

  6. Thanks for the shout out! So much greatness going on in the Blogosphere. I can't wait for GUTGAA!

    1. No problem on the shoutout! I am looking forward to GUTGAA too!

  7. I often celebrate the small stuff. It's the little things that add up, ya know? :) Why, I just sent out my first submission for my current WIP and it felt GREAT!

    1. That's what I think, it all adds up! Celebrate it all.

      OMG YAY to first submission! That's fab!! :)

  8. I try to celebrate them along the way! Your post actually helped because it made me give myself a little kick in the behind and get working so I would have more to report next time! LOL

    1. I am glad my post helped ;) I will have to do another one sometime! :)

  9. Unfortunately, I usually celebrate with dark chocolate. My hips are saying I need to stop celebrating.

    1. Ah ha ha ha!! I choose CUPCAKES myself but the point is similar ;)

  10. That is a lot of bloggish goodness around the blogosphere! Thanks for all the heads ups!

    1. So much goodness!! Thank you for commenting.

  11. I always celebrate the small achievements. I have to pat myself on the back whether I write 500 words/day, or 1500, because every little bit counts!

    And heads up on more exciting news in the blogosphere - 9/4 is the debut of The YA Misfits blog, a collaboration of myself and some seriously fab up and coming writers. We'll be having a pretty big giveaway to celebrate! Come visit at :)

    1. Me too. If I didn't celebrate the small steps I think I'd give up ;)

      Thank you for the link, will check it out on the 4th!

  12. So much going on at the moment will have to see what I have time to sign up for! You are right we should celebrate small achievements because each one pushes us further along the road to finishing. Thanks for reminding us all.

    1. I know, not sure I will have time for it all!

      If I didn't celebrate the small things I think I'd give up ;)

  13. These are some great links! Thanks for sharing all of them!

    1. No worries, hope to see you around and about some of this fun ;)

  14. A lot is going on! I didn't know about K.T.'s motivation blogging. That will be good for me

    1. The writemotivation is AWESOME I definitely recommend!

  15. hey, lady!
    great lot of stuff happenning!
    and i will be celebrating several things at the end of the month =)
    we writers/bloggers have the luxury of having fests at any time! it's nice to have so much support!
    like you, vikki!

    1. Fests are great ;) And I like to celebrate ;)

  16. I have to go give blood, but then I'll be back checking out these links. It's just so amazing how many great places there are that I still don't know about. Wow, that was a mouthful. Anyway, Viklit, thanks for sharing these. I've hopped over from IWSG, and I'll be back.

  17. Great links! An exciting next few days for anyone wanting to enter a few contests. ;)

  18. Sounds like tons of awesomeness is happening in September. Thanks for sharing!

    1. No worries, hope you get to enter some of it!

  19. Lots of exciting events coming up!

    Allison (Geek Banter)


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)