
Friday, 24 August 2012

What Do You Love About What You Wrote This Week?

This is an experiment. It's quite simple.

Tell me what you love about what you wrote this week.

Share a sentence or two. Tell me that you solved a tricky plot point. That you reached 20k words. That your main character's voice is falling into place.

Share an achievement about your writing this week and let's celebrate that!

Partly inspired by the Love Lists I saw floating around after YA Highway's Road Trip Wed which themselves were inspired by Stephanie Perkins, but also I thought: let's celebrate those small steps as we go along. Let's celebrate getting that scene right or just getting the words out.

Please do join in, blow your own trumpet (or hey, someone else's if you like) in the comments. Please tweet/blog so a few people join in if you can.

I'll kick us off in the comments.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am pleased that I have started to make headway on the Clone story.

    I took the first chapter to my RL writing group and they were all v. positive, yay!

    I found some great research on Clone's on this awesome site here

  3. I edited two chapters of ARROSAY yesterday and I am MUCH happier with them. Hopefully I will read through them again today and still feel the same! Well done with the clone story, I like the sound of that one.

    1. HURRAH! Congrats on editing two chapters and being happy with them. So glad to hear it!

  4. I finally selected the names for all of my characters and filled in the blanks! (There were a lot of blanks.)

    1. Hurrah, yay! Glad to hear they all have names ;)

  5. I am finally free! I no longer track my word count! I am free to write. And that writing is flowing more easily now that I've given up my addiction to numbers! Come check out my post I wrote about it!

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)

    1. Free of word count sounds great! Hurrah!

  6. I managed to find the ending to a short story that had been plaguing me. And I managed to get several gory plot points across without actually being gory. It was subtle. I was pleased. :)

    Congrats on your clone story! I like the sound of that one.

    1. Hurrah yay to ending the story! That's great ;) It's DONE!

  7. Thanks for doing this--it's quite motivating. Well I'm thrilled that I got unstuck this week. There was a very troubling chapter in my WIP that was really holding me back and I figured out how to make it work so I was super happy!

    1. No problem, happy to celebrate your achievements! Yay that you made the chapter work, WOO!!!

  8. I haven't been super-satisfied with my writing this week, but I'm going to force myself to be positive! I did finish the (first draft of the) first chapter of my new book, and I did some major outlining for the last of my characters. (He's not really all that important until the climax of the book, as I have it planned out.) One of my friends also helped me out with the "sci" half of "sci-fi", so I have a new file of awesome notes about electronic sensors and carbon nanotubes and other things that make my head spin!

    1. Yes positivity is the key! First chapter of a new book is a HUGE step forward I think!! And science research is cool too! Yay!

  9. I made headway on a query letter. First three lines:

    "Most seventeen-year old girls receive gifts on their birthday. Not Prism Chase. She is the gift."

    1. Oooh I am intrigued already, great opening lines! Thank you for commenting and YAY to query headway!

  10. This week I began the rewrite of book 3, changing the layout. A major improvement -- I think....
    Wrote and published 3 new reviews and read one new book
    and wrote a new poem called Descend to Heaven:

    "Your false embrace of devotion
    brought a shared death,
    but a vastly different journey."

    Thank you, this was fun -- until this moment I'd thought I wasted the week. :)

    1. No problem, happy to celebrate your achievements with you. See, we've all made headway! Glad you have writtenn a new poem and those lines are lovely.

  11. Well, my blog partner, Tyler-Rose, finished a draft of her WiP! Whooooo!!!!

    I...hmm. Not quite as exciting, but I think I discovered the last big thing I need to fix in this revision before I start to query. (One of the main characters needs higher personal stakes. :D)

    1. YAY that your blog partner finished her daft.And hurrah that you know what to fix in your revision. That's a great step forward! YAY!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)