
Monday, 8 October 2012

I’m Thankful For My Readers Bloghop!

Tara Tyler and I are getting a head start on the November blogfest season. I know Nano is happening but this won't take up much time :)

The theme of the blog hop is ‘I’m Thankful for My Readers’. Tara's post on it is here.

We’d like everyone to post their thanks, in as creative a way as possible, to their readers.This can take whatever form you like - be creative and use your imagination.

These readers can be critique partners, beta readers, blog readers and readers of published novels, as part of one big bloghop! I’m sure everyone thanks their readers, but we thought it would be awesome if we all did at once and we can hop around and revel in the love ;)

This was partly inspired by valerie lawson’s post here where she wrote a letter to her critique group, and also by the fact Thanksgiving is coming up!

Here’s the rules folks:

1.Sign up on the linky list below.
2. Post thanks to your readers on your blog between Monday November 5 (anytime) and Wednesday November 7 by 1700 UK/1200 Midday EST US time.
3. If you don’t have a CP and you would like, go ahead and post a ‘personals’ ad.
4. Be CREATIVE. Write a letter, a piece of flashfiction, a haiku, poem, or vlog. It can take whatever form you like. We’d like it if you kept it under 300 words but won’t be counting.
5. You don’t have to name your readers though do if you want, and feel free to link to them.
6. Hop around and comment on other people’s!

We have a button, please do go ahead and grab it! Also it would be lovely if you'd please advertise this blog hop!

There will be prizes: Tara and I will each pick a winner, and another overall winner, to be announced on Thursday November 8 on our blogs. They win:

Vikki’s Winner: A Reader’s Report style Critique (i.e. overview write up giving thoughts on your MS, will read whole MS), chosen for most heartfelt post
Tara’s Winner: A Banner for their blog, chosen for most creative post
Overall Winner: Both of the above, for most heartfelt and creative post!

I like to think my critique would be helpful and more to the point, Tara’s got mad art skills so that’s an AWESOME prize! I want it myself. Though of course I can’t win ;) But whoever wins that is lucky lucky lucky.

Lastly - for anyone on twitter I thought it would be fun if during the same period we tweeted thanks using the hashtag #thankstomyreaders. Not as part of the bloghop/prizes, just for additional fun. Am vixatthemovies there.

Please sign up using the linky list and go visit Tara's blog here and say hello to her too!

My entry for the bloghop- here


  1. great idea, vikki. i hope it explodes with love for all the fabulous crit partners out there who make us all better writers.

  2. Signed up! Sounds like a great idea.

  3. What a great way to celebrate and say "Thanks!" I just signed up.

  4. Such an awesome blog hop! I love it!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you for signing up everyone, for the inspiration Valerie and for co hosting Tara!

  7. Hi Vikki .. just signed up - and it's about time I gave thanks to all my readers and everyone else that's so supportive around the net ... off to see Tara ... cheers Hilary

  8. Thank you for signing up Hilary! :)

  9. Michael and Jenn thank you for signing up!

  10. Thank you for organising this honey :)


  11. Patsy - no problem.
    Vikki -thanks for joining in!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)