
Friday, 12 October 2012

Who's Doing Nanowrimo? Should I?

Who is doing Nanowrimo?

I am trying to decide whether to sign up. I Fast Drafted big chunks of two ideas lately (I talk about Fast Draft here) and would love to use Nano to get one finished (I have 30-40k left) and play about with a Middle Grade idea I have.

However, that took a lot out of me and I am not sure I could keep up the pace for November.

Thoughts anyone?

I don't want to be dispirited by not finishing but I guess I could have a push then have December not writing and just critiquing for people. Hmm.

Also thank you to anyone who has signed up for Tara and my 'I'm Thankful to my Readers Bloghop'. Even if you are Nanoing, it wouldn't take up much time to join in ;)


  1. Hee hee, this is on everyone's mind at the moment, mine included! I signed up, and I think I'll give it a try!

  2. I've signed up for my first time. I'm excited for it and feel like it's fairly doable with some disciple and organization. But I'm a first time, so what do I know ;)

  3. I've yet to do it. The timing's never right for me. I'm currently editing my WIP and want to finish the draft before I do something else. I'm planning a new project, but I won't be ready to write the first draft for a while. Sooooo, that's a no for me regarding NaNoWri for me. Maybe one year I'll get the timing right. lol

  4. I did it in 2010 and I'm a very slow typist. So if I could do it, then so could you!

  5. I am debating too. I'm not sure if I'll have time for it either... but it would be a good push to get my novel done! And I suppose if you sign up and don't end up "winning," it's not the end of the world :)

  6. Well, despite being in the midst of polishing one novel that I really want to finish completely (like have it really, really done) by the end of the year, I decided that I am going to participate in NaNo. I'm not sure I'll be a "winner" by the end of the month, but there's this idea that's just been bugging me and I want to give myself a month to pursue it . . .so I'm NaNoing for it. and Polishing on the side. NaNo in the a.m., and polish in the late night. I'm not sure I'll be sleeping in November, but oh well.

  7. I did NaNo last year and even though I only did about half of the intended goal, it was so not a waste. I've still been working on this NaNo story and hope to finish it this year during NaNo. I say it's worth it to even get started on something new. :)

  8. you can do it! your brain is bursting with stories! you could easily do it! and our blog hop is shaping up nicely! we will have to send a reminder when it gets closer =)

  9. I've done it for the past few years... I don't always finish, but it's been a good way to keep my writing front and center, at least for a month :)

  10. I think you can pull it off, Vikki! I'll never do NaNo to keep my sanity but man, it's never too late to try new things. I'll be cheering you on if you do it ;)

  11. This will be my 3rd year as a participant (I'm also an ML this year too), and I'd say GO FOR IT!

    Even if you only do, say, 5000 words, it will be more words than you had at the end of October ;)

    Good luck! Hope you decide to do it. I'll be posting my top 10 tips on how to win at Nano on the 18th ;)


  12. Kyra - good for you, glad to hear you are giving it a try.

    Kelly - ooh exciting, a first timer!

    Stina - yes the timing has to be right doesn't it!

    Alex - thanks for the encouragement!

    Allison - we should encourage each other ;)

    Tyrean - that sounds very busy! I am encouraged I might be able to try if you can polish as well!

    Jaime - yes that's true, even if I don't finish I might get a chunk done!

    Tara - thank you for the encouragement!

    Lara - yes that's true, for a month I'll have a big aim at least!

    Livia - aw thank you that's nice to hear!

    Vikki - oh interesting. What's an ML, afraid I don't know?!? Maybe I'll have a go and I'll look out for your tips!

  13. Good luck if you decide to try NaNo!!

  14. Me me me! Hm, I guess you already knew that. I say go for it. I've done it for four of the last five years, and I've only finished twice. But I made some good progress on my stories the other years. Plus it's fun (most of the time...).


  15. Hi Vikki! I just signed up for yours and Tara's blogfest and came over here to say thanks for hosting as I think it's such a great idea. This post caught my eye as I've been going back and forth about signing up for NaNo. I've never done it but I think I'm going to jump in and give it a try this year. Good luck if you decide to do it!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)