
Friday, 28 June 2013

Celebrate The Small Things - Friday 28 June

Another Friday, another week of Celebrate The Small Things.

The rules are so simple, they don't really count as rules! More guidelines ;)

Before we begin: quick question: I've spaced on sending reminders for this out lately mainly as work's been mad during the week - if you feel strongly either way (no don't spam me with a reminder email! or yes I want a reminder email!) please comment in the comments. I might start them up again if they'll help!

Ceeee-le-brate good times :)

In Summary:

Sign up on the linky 

Post Celebrations of Small Things - growing that plant, having a nice coffee receiving a postcard

Hop around and celebrate with others!

My celebrations for the week:

I was lucky enough to go to Wimbledon! And I saw Roger Federer get knocked out (poor Rog). Though I must say yay to Mr. 116 in the world or whatever ranking he is, Sergiy, who must feel pretty good :) 

Yay to having Pimms at Wimbledon. Here's a picture.

I also had a nice dinner out with friends, and it's getting hot so I was glad my new fan arrived! (I figured a picture of the Pimms is more exciting than the fan!)

How's your week?

Here's the linky - go visit ;) Celebrate!


  1. Ooh a glass of Pimms - that sums up summer! Glad you have had a good week.

    No strong feelings either way on a reminder. As it is weekly I do tend to remember.

  2. Definitely a great week. Without a doubt :)

  3. I went to Wimbledon when I live there. (Many years ago.) It was really awesome. And yes, the top seeds have been knocked out. Makes it interesting.

  4. Ooh Wimbledon, I bet that was exciting. I'm glad you had a good time :)

  5. Wimbledon must have been a huge thrill for you. Hope you have a lovely week with even more to celebrate next Friday!

  6. Yay for Wimbledon (but what a shame for Rog)...
    ... and that Pimms looks refreshing!
    Writer In Transit

  7. I don't think we need reminders, but I don't care either way. I would love to attend Wimbledon someday. I imagine it was great!
    I don't know what Pimms is, but it looks yummy!

  8. I watched Roger's match at home, thinking the entire time how much I'd love to be able to go to Wimbledon one day. How exciting!!

  9. Wimbledon sounds exciting and a new fan is a great reason to celebrate! I don't think we need reminders but I don't mind them either. The fact that it is every week makes it relatively easy to remember, I think :)

  10. Wimbledon has had some great moments, hasn't it? Loved that "old" 29 year old's win.

    Here's to a tasty Pimm's to celebrate July.

  11. My daughter loves watching and playing tennis. We were all shocked to see Federer knocked out by a nobody, but I always like the underdogs!!

  12. Cool about Wimbledon. I saw Roger (we are on a first name basis in my mind) at the US open forever ago when tennis was my life.

  13. Before looking it up on google I thought PIMMS was the purse. Nice that you went to Wimbledon, my dream location is Disneyland. Don't be so sure about the power of the fan, my brother bought a new one recently and my mom was crazy excited. And sometimes slips into his room to use it. Enjoy your weekend.

  14. I've never been a huge fan of tennis but Wimbledon seems like an amazing event- it's awesome you got to go!

    Me personally, I don't feel the need for reminder e-mail. Every riday is easy enough for me to remember, plus at this point it's just part of the weekly routine. That's my two cents, anyway.

  15. Pimm's is such a summer drink; I love it. Me and my friend used to drink that all year round at university :)

    PS. I don't need a reminder. I've got a blogging routine up and running now, and I do look forward to Fridays, so I can see what everyone is celebrating :)

  16. sounds like a good week
    i shouldve linked u from my wonderful week of fun! sorry i forgot!

  17. My hubby loves tennis and he'd be so jealous of you going to Wimbledon, but so unhappy to hear of Federer's loss. I dunno what Pimms is, but I support your right to love them! lol
    (I don't need reminders, I'm just a bit lazy about posting every single Friday.)

  18. I am so looking forward to some sunshine this weekend.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  19. How exciting to see Wimbledon! Can't say I'm a fan of Pimms, but I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

  20. pimms at wimbledon - how awesome! Jealous!

  21. Suzanne - it is summery to have a Pimms isn't it!

    T. Drecker - I enjoyed seeing Federer :)

    Alex - makes it a v. interesting tournament!

    Laura - I had fun! :)

    Deanie - thank you!

    michelle2 - poor old Roger!

    Brandy - it was v. tasty!

    M.J. - it was a very nice day!

    Sarah - thanks for your thoughts!

    clee- it was exciting seeing Roger go home!

    Cathrina - I felt happy for Sergei by the end!

    Nana Prah - hee to first name terms with Roger!

    Sheena-kay - hee to excitement about the fan! It is cooling me down so I am glad to have it.

    Beverly - it was a nice day. Thanks for your thoughts re reminder!

    Rebeccah - so nice to hear you look forward to Fridays :)

    Tara - it was fun to see tennis!

    Lexa - you can tell him Wimbledon is a good place to visit! Though poor Roger!

    Allison - yay to sun!

    Lara - it was refreshing! :)

    Printed Portal - :)

    Thanks all for your thoughts re reminders!

  22. OMG that is so awesome! I would love to go to Wimbledon! What an amazing opportunity. :) It is definitely getting hot out, I love sunshine but it's too hot for me when the pool is no longer refreshing LOL. Have a great weekend!

  23. Dont forget all your "other" fans -- they may not keep you cool today, but their thoughts are working for you all the time, hot or cold!

  24. I've never had Pimms but I love the word so I've always wanted to try the drink. It just sounds good! Must have been fun to see the underdog win.

    Hope you're enjoying your weekend. :)

  25. How exciting to go to Wimbledon! And what a fantastic match to see too!

  26. Wow! Wimbledon!!! That's really exciting! My mom-in-law is an avid tennis player and tennis fan so I'm sure she saw that match. She even stays up at all hours to see tennis live, if she can find it on cable.

  27. Wimbledon does sound exciting! Great that you got to experience that. And happy for you that you received your fan. It's truly hot here as well. Writer’s Mark

  28. Yay for going to Wimbledon! How fun!!!
    And I'm partial to your reminder emails. They help me a great deal and appreciate them!

  29. I'm not a massive tennis fan but I'm happy to sit and watch it and I know the significance of Federer going out.

    Love the Pims though!

  30. My mother-in-law is a HUGE tennis fan and a trip to Wimbledon would be a fantastic gift...if it were not for her immense fear of travel! :)

  31. Wimbledon, how awesome!
    Yay for dinner with friends and for your new fan ;)

  32. Wow! Wimbledon! My nephew visited the UK and was very stoked to be at Wembley, being a big fan of football!

  33. Meredith - Wimbledon was fun ;) and the pool no longer being refreshing sounds HOT!

    Inge - aw that's a lovely thought, thank you!

    Julie - personally I enjoy a Pimms! :)

    Kate - I was v. lucky it was a v. good day!

    Tyrean - oh my goodness she is good staying up late to watch it!

    Nancy - the fan is v. welcome today!

    Jackie - it was fun! I'll have a think about how to do reminders!

    Heather - PIMMS is good.

    DL - hee, might be a bit of a journey!

    S.K. - the fan is welcome today I can tell you.

    Vidya - ooh Wembley would be fun as a footie fan!

  34. Aww you went to Wimbledon :) I've been once and it was just the most fantastic experience - including the pimms - I recognise those plastic cups!! It's not the cheapest of days out is it but certainly one of the most memorable and one I'm so glad I finally managed to do. Saving the pennies now to go again.
    As for the reminder emails - I think I'm ok without, thank you. I always remember it's Celebrating Small Friday, just don't always managed to post - sorry!!

  35. Sounds like an incredible week indeed!

  36. Nicole - it was good ;)

    Jaxbee - hee it is NOT one of the cheapest but it's good! (& no worries, you don't have to post every week!)

  37. I enjoyed reading your post and I like your take on the issue. Thanks. csbe


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)