
Wednesday, 26 June 2013

What's Up Wednesday - 26 June

Time For What's Up Wednesday

What I'm Reading: 
Just finished The Sea Sisters by Lucy Clarke. I really enjoyed it. The author's love of travelling seeps into her descriptions; she really made places come alive for me. The amazon blurb reads: 

Katie’s carefully structured world is shattered by the news that her headstrong younger sister, Mia, has been found dead in Bali – and the police claim it was suicide.
With only the entries of Mia’s travel journal as her guide, Katie retraces the last few months of her sister’s life, and – page by page, country by country – begins to uncover the mystery surrounding her death.

It did hold my interest; I'd recommend!

What I'm Writing
Still editing editing editing. Smashed my 5 chapter goal by getting 10 done so aiming for 10 this week (ho ho ho now I'll get 2 done as I have much less time this week!). #readysetwrite is helping me motivate as I didn't want to report not making my goal! :)

What Inspires Me Right Now:
Wimbledon is on, and as ever when I watch highly successful athletes, I am inspired by their determination. Andy Murray loses Wimbledon 2012 and it only inspires him to an Olympic Gold Medal and US Open success. It's inspiring to see people get up and try again, work harder and harder. That's what we have to apply to writing, I think!

What Else I've Been Up To:
The tomatoes I'm growing are now going yellow - yay! Otherwise my work's been busy busy busy.

What's UP with you?


  1. Go tomatoes! :) And I'm betting you'll hit that 10 chapter goal.

  2. Congratulations on hitting your goal! I'm sure you'll do it this week, too :)

  3. Envious of your tomatoes! I cannot wait for tomatoes this year. I could grow nothing else in my garden and be spectacularly happy!
    Ahhh, just got rid of cable so I'll have to find Wimbledon on the web. It is so fun and inspiring! Enjoy your writing week!

  4. Wow, 10 chapters revised! Congrats! Best of luck in keeping up the pace this week. And hope you enjoy your summer and tomatoes in the meantime.

  5. Love this: "It's inspiring to see people get up and try again, work harder and harder." SO TRUE. And yes - very inspiring. :)

    Hope you have a wonderful revising week!

  6. Congratulations on hitting your goal and then some! The Sea Sisters sounds good to me, I'll have to check that out.

  7. Great work on your chapters! I'm gearing up for the July session of Camp NaNo - gulp! - and I'm almost done reading THE FIFTH WAVE by Rick Yancey.

  8. Getting ready to submit my Writers Club entry and send my WIP for a critique I won. Congrats on the tomatoes and reaching your writing goal.

  9. It is so inspiring to see other people never backing down. Makes me want to do the same.

    Yay for tomatoes!

    Have a great writing week :D

  10. Wow, you really knocked it out of the park this week with your revisions! Good luck on getting that done again this week. You can do it!

  11. Wow! Awesome job on doing double the editing this week! My husband and son are big Andy Murray fans, so I can totally see why you'd find his gold medal performance at the Olympics inspiring. Good luck on the continued story editing!

  12. Gotta.have those.goals. I need to realign mine for Julh and vet back.on track. Good luck with verything.

  13. Horray for tomatoes and surpassing editing goals!

  14. Ready.Set.Write really does keep you motivated!!! I think Andy Murray has a very good chance this year to win it! Especially with everyone out now. Yesterday was crazy! I'll most definitely be cheering Andy on! Have a great week!

  15. Double your goal? Fantastic! I've just been drafting a WIP that's been long overdue to finish. Maybe you'll quadruple your next goal!

  16. You nailed your goals last week and them some. Great job. I'm always inspired to get moving if I spend any time at all watching sports on TV. The Olympics and the Tour de France are some of my favs.

  17. T. Drecker - thanks, fingers crossed!

    Laura - eeee pressure's on!

    KatOwens: it is so inspiring!

    kiperoo - thank you. Yay to summer!

    Alison - it certainly does inspire me! :)

    Julie - I would Definitely recommend it!

    Madeline - oooh good luck with Camp Nano!

    Sheena-kay G- oh gosh good luck with your entry

    Miss Cole - exactly. I think if they can do it, I can too!

    Alex - I am gonna try!

    Rae - eee not sure I can but I'll try!

    Erin - yay Andy! V. inspiring.

    Stephen - thank you! Good luck with your goals!

    Kate - yay tomatoes!

    amy- go go go Andy

    Kendra50327 - ha I don't think I'll do that well but let's see!

    Kari Marie White - Olympics never fail to inspire me


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)