
Friday, 20 September 2013

Celebrate The Small things: 20 Sep

Greetings! It is time to Celebrate The Small Things Once Again! The rules are simple: sign up on the linky, post celebrations and comment and celebrate with others!

This is a quick one for me this week. Quite simply I am celebrating all of you. Thank you, for joining in and commenting. I enjoy my weekly posts, especially when I feel like I don't have much to celebrate and all of you so help. Thank you! I hope you enjoy celebrating as much as I do.

Now, eat cake ;)


  1. Hmmm... devouring some chocolate cake and celebrating you and me... and everyone else :)

  2. Oh, sounds like someone is busy! Here's celebrating you too - for doing this every week!

  3. I really enjoy this weekly hop and it's a great way to end each week. Thanks again for starting it and keeping it going. Have a great weekend!

  4. It's a fun blog hop. Gets me focused on the little things.

    Rhonda @Laugh-Quotes
    Visiting from your blog hop :)

  5. I bet reading all of those posts makes you feel better!

  6. Yay for celebrating us! I feel so appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend! :-)

  7. Awww we celebrate you right back!
    Cake? I'm all up in there o_0 Yum!

  8. I love that you host this blog hop. It really helps me focus on the good and important things in life :)

  9. Mmmm cake, yes please!
    And thank you for hosting this hop, it's one of my favourites :)

  10. I'm always up for eating cake.

    Have a great weekend!

  11. I keep forgetting about Friday's Celebrate The Small Things. So I went ahead and entered the event in all Friday posts for the rest of the year.

    So much to be thankful for and celebrate!

  12. You couldn't have instructed me to do anything better. Cake is awesome. I just have to get my hands on some.

  13. Aww...thanks, Vikki. Let's Celebrate!!

  14. Mmmm.... cake. Don't mind if I do!

    Have a great weekend! :)

  15. I'm glad you created Celebrate the Small Things! Thank you!

  16. Mmmm, thanks for the cake. ;)

  17. Bames - chocolate cake, good pick!

    T. Drecker - ah thank you I just love that anybody joins in ;)

    Julie Flanders - happy weekend to you!

    Rhonda Albom - ;) Happy that you enjoy!

    Alex J. Cavanaugh - they do!

    Lexa Cain - you all deserve celebration.

    S.K. Anthony - CAKE! We love it!

    Sarah Chafin - aw thank you, I like that people join in!

    Laura - aw thank you!

    M.J. Fifield - you too!

    Stephen Tremp - lovely, are you all signed up on the list? *checks it over*

    Nana Prah - yes now I want some!

    Cathrina Constantine - *does celebratory dance*

    Lara Lacombe - me neither ;)

    Jackie - no worries ;)

    Nicole - enjoy!

  18. Mmmm.... Cake..... I'm all for celebrating that.

  19. sweet! cake!
    and its nice to just come visit w/you

  20. Cake sounds really good! I enjoyed this post very much.


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)