
Friday, 27 September 2013

Celebrate the Small Things - 27 Sep

Time to Celebrate the Small Things ;) The Rules are simple: post celebrations for the week, however small, whatever you like ;) Sign up on the linky, and hop and celebrate with others. Today's the anniversary of my Dad's death and although it's many years now, I always feel a bit mournful today. So Celebrations are needed most likely. I am off to a 100th birthday party this week for my boyfriend's Grandfather, all being well, so I am celebrating him reaching a ripe old age! Those celebrations also mean I won't make it around anybody's posts this week due to lack of being near the interwebs, so I apologise. I love visiting everyone but by the time I'm able to, we'll be at next week. So I wish you all well.


  1. Enjoy the HUGE birthday! That's something to celebrate!

    Shah, X

  2. 100th birthday is definitely something to celebrate...enjoy your time away from the computer!

  3. I mourn with you for your father, as I do on my fathers day. With death comes life, and best wishes for your boyfriends father's 100th birthday. That's a great celebration!

  4. A hundred years old is impressive.
    Sending you thoughts today.

  5. How amazing to have a 100th birthday to celebrate. I remember my great grandmother's 100th birthday. A fantastic celebration.

  6. A 100 year celebration . . .wow! Have fun!
    And I'll be thinking of you today.

  7. Sorry about the death of your father, some days are easier than others. Celebrating a 100 year life is an amazing experience.

  8. 100 years, congrats grandpa! Have fun and see you next week Viki.

  9. A 100th birthday, that's well worth celebrating! Anniversaries can be tough, sending you a cyber hug.

  10. I can sympathize with you regarding the death of your dad. My dad's anniversary of his passing is coming soon. It's always a sad time, but you can focus on your boyfriend's granddad's party instead. That's a big milestone to celebrate. Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  11. Went to a gig last night where the encore was a guitar/violin version of 'Tiger Rag', which was my Dad's party piece. Funny the things that set you off. Love and light to you and yours.

  12. What a milestone! Hope you had a great weekend! :)

  13. I'm sorry for the sad anniversary but pleased about the happy birthday celebration. 100 years. Wow! Have a wonderful week! :-)

  14. I can understand how you felt on the anniversary, I lost my dad last year and know I will have a tough time with that day as well.

    Hope you had a great time at the 100th birthday party, how wonderful!

  15. Shah - thank you, it is!

    Mere Joyce- thank you!

    Cathrina Constantine - it is a good age to reach!

    Alex J. Cavanaugh - it is good going, and thank you.

    M.J. Fifield - it was good. And the Queen sends a card!

    Tyrean Martinson - thank you.

    Nana Prah- some are easier than others, it is v. true.

    Sheena-kay Graham - thank you, be back Friday properly!

    Suzanne Furness - thank you for the cyber hug.

    Deanie Humphrys-Dunne - thank you, I appreciate that

    Julia - gosh absolutely, especially music pieces. They bring such memories.

    Lara Lacombe - thank you

    Lexa Cain - thanks!

    Julie Flanders- the day is always difficult. hugs to you.


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)