Greetings Celebrationistas! Time for our weekly Celebrations!
You all know the rules by now ;) Sign up, post a Celebration, however small, and then hop around and celebrate!
Let me know what you have to celebrate this week! I love hearing people's good news and happy thoughts ;)
My celebrations are:
- Day off today to see my small nieces, ah. I do love seeing them!
- Weekend then off to rest - I've been so busy lately so that's nice ;)
- Only two trips to the gym...but that's not bad!
- The colour teal. I just love it. I'd have a teal house if I could!
What are you celebrating?
Hello everyone! It's time for What's Up Wednesday!

I missed last week, mostly because my work has been crazy and my life busy with summer and people's events/weddings and what not and it leaves spare time at this much *holds fingers a little way apart*. Still, here I am today!
What I'm Reading: Looking for Recommendations! I need a good Young Adult or Adult Thriller please as I'm between reads. Any thoughts?
What I'm Writing: All edits finished and set aside, so I am working out what to work on next, and playing around with a couple of ideas.
What Inspires Me Right Now: The thought of a day off doing nothing, just watching TV. Soon please?!
What Else I'm Up To: Work work work and busy busy busy mostly. Trying to keep up going to the gym!
How about you? Would love to hear everybody's news!
Greetings Celebrationers! (The 1D premiere in London has put Directioners in my mind, ha ha).
How are we this week?

We're here for our weekly look at what we're all celebrating.
The rules are simple: post what you're celebrating, sign on the list, hop and celebrate with others! The celebrations can be as small, large or medium sized as you like! Let's celebrate lint (small) to Mount Everest (big) if you'd like.
Last week, I asked whether we should do weekly sign up or master list. Master list seemed to win out, so I'm going to carry on with that. I am however, going to stricter about taking people off. I don't want to be too strict - the point is celebration, not to feel like you HAVE to post. However, in order to keep the list trim, if you miss more than a few, I'll take you off. i.e. if it's a month since you posted I'll assume you aren't joining in- you can always sign up again, right?!
I hope that's okay, and also that I haven't removed anyone in error! (Apologies if I have!)
My celebrations:
- Bank Holiday MONDAY folks - yes an extra day off.
- Nearing the end of the tomato plants - yes, you thought you'd escaped the tomato plant references but you haven't ;) - they've been good!
- Four gym trips! I am starting to get into a routine of it. Also, I had lost a few pounds so that's motivating me to go more, ha ha!
- A week until I spend the day with my small nieces, yay!
Here's the list!
Time to Celebrate the Small Things again, and here we are in the middle of August! How did that happen?
The rules are simple: Sign up on the linky, post something to celebrate in your blog, no matter how small, and then hop around and celebrate with others.

Before I go into my celebrations: a question.
Would you prefer to just add your link weekly to that week's post, rather than there be a master list kept up all the time?
It's more work on a weekly basis, I guess, but means you can just hop around people you know are joining in that day?
People can't always join in every week - but if I see people do join in semi regularly, I am reluctant to cut them from the post altogether. I could possibly just be a bit more stringent and if people don't join in for a few weeks, remove them - after all, you can always add yourselves again when you have a bit more time ;)
I welcome thoughts!
My celebrations are:
FRIDAY! I am seeing a friend tomorrow for a facial - I hope it doesn't make my face all red ;) I am hoping it'll be relaxing and am looking forward to it.
Am in an inbetween stage writing wise, where I've set one aside, and need to decide what exactly to focus on next, which is quite nice.
Parks and Recreation - catching up on it on DVD and I LOVE IT.
How about you?
Here's the linky:
Greetings all and it's What's Up Wednesday time!
This week...
What I'm Reading: I finished The Sound by Sarah Alderson and actually on the look out for recommendations. What's a great YA you've read lately?
What I'm Writing: Finished my edits, yay! So took a break this week, started to play around with new ideas.
What Inspires Me Right Now: Everybody in WriteOnCon - there's such great stuff out there!
What Else I'm Up To: Mostly jealous of everybody who's going away for the summer.
What are you all up to? I feel like I've had a bit of an inbetweeny not much to report week!
Time to Celebrate The Small Things again! The purpose of this weekly post is simple: Celebrate the Small Achievements or Joys or Experiences of the week - the welcome cup of tea, the catch up with a friend, the finishing of that awkward chapter.
Sign up on the linky, post your celebrations in your blog, and hop around and celebrate with others!
My celebrations for the week:
They think the panda at Edinburgh Zoo is going to have a baby. Cue cute baby panda!
I finished this set of edits on work in progress.
I have been to the gym three times, which isn't bad. I think I'm starting to look forward to going, even!
How about you?
Here's the linky:
Two aims to my post today; it is Insecure Writers Support Group time and What's up Wednesday.
IWSG wise, I am insecure about time (again). I am posting this from my phone as I didn't have time to sit at my computer. I am slowly learning that sometimes, something has to give. At the moment that's the time I have for blogging. But I strive for balance, to achieve the pockets of time I want for everything... How do you do it?
Time for What's up Wednesday.
...reading: The Sound by Sarah Alderson. It's about a girl who nannies in America for the summer and falls foul of a serial killer. Am enjoying, her writing is pacey.
...writing: my edits! Though I am pretty much done, slightly ahead of my plan yay!
...feeling inspired by: my real life writers group. We met this week and it always inspires me to crack on.
...what else: the gym! Trying to get fit, but it feels like a struggle.
Ok, am going to post and come back later and tidy up if I've done this badly on the phone!!
Goodness me, it's AUGUST already. How did that happen? Time to Celebrate The Small Things again!
The point of this weekly post is this: post small events/happenings/thoughts/observations from the week you'd like to celebrate. They can be anything, from enjoying being caught in a storm to that welcome cup of tea to finishing that chapter. Sign up on the linky, and hop around and celebrate with others!
My Celebrations for the week:
- Working from home in the quiet still of an empty house, with rain pattering the window outside.
- Catching up with old friends and having a giggle.
- Keeping up with my exercise - four gym trips this week.
- Cracking on with my edits.
- Receiving awards OMG how lovely from Brandy and Tara Tyler. They are SO appreciated!
What are you celebrating?
Here's the linky list: