Friday 17 January 2014

Celebrate The Small Things: 17 Jan edition

Greetings Celebrate The Small Thingers! How are we all this week?

The rules of Celebrate are simple, and can be found here in this post. Fundamentally: we celebrate the small excitements, achievements, successes or pleasures of the week!

This week I am celebrating:

  • Reading some of my CPs marvellous manuscripts. It's so awesome seeing work come to fruition and realising how great it is - and hoping you've been helpful in some small way!
  • Going to Afternoon Tea with my friend this weekend, as our Christmas present to each other. So much for a January healthy-ness!
  • The Weekend

How about yourselves?

How are the resolutions going? Mine are going NOT well at all! Oh well! 

Here's the sign up linky:


  1. Hee hee, I firmly believe calories don't count in January lol!

  2. Was ready to sign off and saw your post. Tea with a friend is always worth celebrating!

  3. I agree with Kyra, calories don't count. Enjoy your Afternoon Tea!

  4. Afternoon tea is marvelous, regardless of time or resolutions! Have a great time with your friend, =)

  5. Mmm afternoon tea, yum! Have a great time :)

  6. It's always cool to see our writer friends grow and achieve.

  7. Oh, I am so happy for the weekend too. This week seemed to drag on forever. And Afternoon Tea? How incredibly adorable that sounds to me as an American :) PS - Yes, you have helped my MS (in a very BIG way) - so thank you!!

  8. It'a privilege to be a part of a friend writer's success. No matter how small or big the contribution.

  9. Extending Christmas into January always makes me smile. Have a great weekend!

  10. It's always nice to read someone else's manuscript for a change. Great thing to celebrate.

  11. Afternoon tea sounds like a delightful way to spend an afternoon.

  12. Oooh Afternoon tea sounds wonderful! Enjoy your weekend :)

  13. Enjoy your afternoon tea--such a nice gift! :)

  14. I'm celebrating the weekend too... been a long week:)

  15. How nice. I wish I had CP's. And afternoon tea sounds wonderful. Have a good weekend.

  16. One afternoon tea destroys a month of healthiness? I guess it's lucky I'm never aiming for healthiness anyway! lol My CPs impress me too. I'm so proud of everyone, especially in 2013 when 2 of us got agents and 4 of us got book contracts. Yay for the weekend! :)

  17. Kyra Lennon - I am hoping not ;)

    Sharon Himsl - it was yummy too!

    Heather Musk - thank you, it was fun!

    Mere Joyce - thank you, I did! STUFFED now.

    Laura - thanks!

    Alex J. Cavanaugh - it's so so awesome!

    J.A. Ward - I hope I helped a bit ;)

    Nana Prah - privilege is EXACTLY the right word

    M. J. Joachim - thank you

    cleemckenzie - it was lovely to lose myself in their words

    Suzanne Furness - it was v. nice.

    S.K. Anthony - thank you!

    Lara Lacombe - it was a good gift!!

    T.F. Walsh - these January weeks are, aren't they!

    Cathrina Constantine - thank you, you too!

    Lexa Cain - WOW your group did well in 2013!! GO YOU!

  18. Hey, it's only January. There's lots of time to get healthy! Enjoy your Christmas presents.

  19. Tea with a friend sounds divine!
    I love reading my CP's manuscripts. It's like a blessing of sorts.:)

  20. Tea with a friend sound absolutely wonderful - or divine as Jackie said. :)

    My resolution for writing every day has gone well, but not much of the others, although I'm currently snacking on carrots instead of chips, so I guess there's a step in the right direction.

  21. Nicole - I was glad to see the weekend!

    Nancy - thank you I did ;)

    Lizzi - lovely to have you :) Nice to meet fellow Brits!

    Jackie - it was tummy!

    Tyrean - snacking on carrots is v. good of you!


Please comment, I'd love to know what you think! :)